
I am new here. I just got baby....actually a few months ago and she is my second but it is very hard to take off these pounds I gained with my second baby. I am looking for support and MOTIVATION:smile :


  • Samakiyah
    Samakiyah Posts: 21 Member
    I am new here. I just got baby....actually a few months ago and she is my second but it is very hard to take off these pounds I gained with my second baby. I am looking for support and MOTIVATION:smile :
  • Linovitz
    Linovitz Posts: 79 Member
    Congrats on your new baby! I think you will find good support here on MFP. Just take your time and the pounds will come off. Log your food and get some activity going. Happy to support you. Just friend request me.
  • 15ruth99
    Congratulations! I've been where you are at. It was hard to find the time to exercise let alone do anything else for myself. Taking a bath was a luxury for me after having a baby (especially when it is your second or third). After I was able to finally sleep at least 6 hours at night, I was slowly able to gain more energy. When It got to the point when my second (or third child) was napping I would put on the Jungle Book record (yep, I am that old - LOL). The older children and I would exercise to it by pretending we were a giraffe, an elephant, a monkey, etc. the children and I had fun together which was what they needed as the new baby was taking a lot of mommy time from them. And remember, as you eat healthy and exercise, you are setting a good example for them to live by as well. Good luck!