E-mail re: Goals

There might be a setting for this, so if there is please let me know, but I would love it if MFP would send you a note once a week letting you know how you were doing. We tell them our workout plan and our calorie goal, and I think it would be cool and motivating to get an e-mail or something saying You hit your calorie goal X number of days, congrats, You were under calories X number of days, be careful, stuff like that. It would be nice if we could also get information like that about our workouts, like, you did this much last week and that's over/under your goal.

Is there a setting for this already somewhere? I mean, I know the information is available, but it would be convenient and I think also inspiring if we got e-mails. And maybe they could make up badges for stuff. I respond to that stuff, it's silly, but if I got a badge on my profile for every good week or something, I would work harder to get it.


  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Holy wanting to be spoonfed with inane stuff, batman.
  • ryanwood935
    ryanwood935 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm not to familiar with the web logging, but if you have the app for iPhone, you can go to your diary and click on the menu bar at the bottom that says nutrition. From there you can switch from daily view to weekly view to get an overview of how you have done for the week. You can view it as a pie chart, bar chart, or simply the raw numbers by sorting with the icons at the top right. I know it's not as in depth as what you are looking for, but definitely useful.

    I use MapMyRun as well, and it has some of the functionality that you are craving. They have challenges to earn badges and goodies. Since the two apps sync with each other already, I'm sure the devs could probably implement something in MFP if there was enough support. That said, the new warnings about exceeding certain limits (Your goal is to stay under x carbs) really drives me nuts! There is such a thing as too much information :)
  • ironsun
    Have you tried LoseIt? That app does badges.

    I like the days counter on MFP, but emails would be too much for me.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    Thanks, I am getting a smart phone soon so I will check out these apps. Maybe that's my problem, I'm stuck to my laptop. :)
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    Holy wanting to be spoonfed with inane stuff, batman.

    1600 posts! Wow! Maybe they could make you a tracker letting you know how many of them are just trolling?