I am a work in progress

Great message today from our church and special guest speaker, Andi Andrew! Two great quotes and takeaways that I have for you all are:

"Humility looks like clay in the potters hands."

"I'm in the process of liking who I am."

I can use this in the fitness world and in my training and wanted to share with you all to see if I could spread a smile to others that are struggling with their own demons. Hope this helps and brings a smile to at least one person out there in MFP land!

We are all a work in progress in some way shape or form; fitness, health, marriage, faith... There are so many others. We all have gates and goals that we want to meet. The truth of the matter is because of technology and social media, we are a culture that has moved from the idea of working for something to a culture that wants instant gratification.

I mean we can share photos around the world in 30 seconds or less why can't we do that with losing 5 stubborn little pounds right?

I wish it were that easy my friends. I've learned over time that life is a journey and the journey is what counts, NOT the destination. The destination is a given but the process, training or method you use to get to that destination is what will make you that better person. You will mature without you even knowing that you did!

This is exactly why the first quote about the clay in the potters hands spoke to me. We can all be molded into anything. Who we surround ourselves with and what (or who) we spend our time with will determine the shape we get molded into. Once that shape is thrown into the kiln it solidifies into another part of our heart and subsequently, life. The question you have to ask yourself is "what do I want to be molded into?"

Remember, you can always change your shape before you go into the kiln to be fired and solidified. The only way to do it after the kiln is for you to be broken. Don't wait until that time.

Our Father will test us in all that we do in our life. He's testing my family right now as we speak. We have to make a multitude of life changing decisions in a fairly short amount of time. All we can do is plan, pray, then get out of the way and allow Him to move so he can do amazing things for us.

So, if you are a work in progress like I am, take it slow, don't rush. We only get one chance at life. Make it a novel with many books in it rather than a short story.

Love yourselves, love each other, and the the potter do His job!
