Always over-doing it

I feel like I'm always falling off the wagon, so to speak. I overate by a lot today. We went out to breakfast this morning and then had a huge pasta feast at my brother's house. So much pasta and bacon cheese...yum.

I just don't know how to rein myself in. I have plateaued since Thanksgiving! It is so beyond frustrating that I'm just like F THIS a few days a week. I think well, I'm not losing so what's the point? I will eat whatever I want. Any thoughts how to overcome this?


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    When you're ready, and you really "want" this, then you will put the work in.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    probably finding a way to fit into your calories the things you like, like pasta, will prevent you from going over board when you are faced with it? But, mostly, you will just have to do it. Control it. Look into replacements for pasta as well - veggies like zucchini, tofu pasta, etc.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I will second the idea that when you want to lose weight more than you want to say yum over cheesy pasta, you will do it. When I choose to go out to breakfast, I plan it into my overall day by eliminating a couple of snacks and doing extra exercise. If I am invited to someone's home for a meal, if I am not sure the food choices will work well for me, I eat a snack before I go so that I can content myself with a small portion of whatever is being served.

    But yes, this is all very hard work and you have to really want to go to the work of doing it.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Make sure you don't deprive yourself and you'll be less likely to over eat. Get in the habit of planning your meals and stick to it. It's going to take a lot of work so you just have to decide if you're ready for that. Sometimes you'll have to tell yourself no and that's hard. Drink water before you eat a meal to help with overeating, too. Over eating because you're not losing weight is pretty counter productive but I think you know that.

    Also, please don't call this a plateau (eek!). That word is not to be used lightly. This isn't a plateau.
  • RedArizona5
    RedArizona5 Posts: 465 Member
    I will second the idea that when you want to lose weight more than you want to say yum over cheesy pasta, you will do it. When I choose to go out to breakfast, I plan it into my overall day by eliminating a couple of snacks and doing extra exercise. If I am invited to someone's home for a meal, if I am not sure the food choices will work well for me, I eat a snack before I go so that I can content myself with a small portion of whatever is being served.

    But yes, this is all very hard work and you have to really want to go to the work of doing it.
    This!!!!!!!!!!!!I follow this and when your ready then you won't have to say f this but lets do this-instead

    Also idk what your water intake is..but i have never drank enough until now and half the time i drink on a real empty stomach i find to be just depleted of fluids and feel great until i need to eat if not i have something small. i mean you can eat, you can have pasta…just have to make a way. plan you do for any goal in life-you plan for it.
  • KrazyKenny1967
    I am going through something similar, I 've managed to lose 40 lbs and kept it off all summer, I have gained 5 lbs and am ready to get the weight loss going and get to my original goal. It's easier to get motivated when you have a lot to loose. The mental battle is the hardest ! I can't even think of the end goal, I need to think about how I can make it through the day within my calorie allotment. And there are times I need to wage the war to get through the next hour !!
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I feel like I'm always falling off the wagon, so to speak. I overate by a lot today. We went out to breakfast this morning and then had a huge pasta feast at my brother's house. So much pasta and bacon cheese...yum.

    I just don't know how to rein myself in. I have plateaued since Thanksgiving! It is so beyond frustrating that I'm just like F THIS a few days a week. I think well, I'm not losing so what's the point? I will eat whatever I want. Any thoughts how to overcome this?

    You have to realize that there is no wagon. It's just you and your choice in this moment. It doesn't matter what choice you made yesterday, or will make tomorrow.

    And frankly, you have to want it enough. Only then will you really commit to the changes you need to make.
  • KrazyKenny1967
    I feel like I'm always falling off the wagon, so to speak. I overate by a lot today. We went out to breakfast this morning and then had a huge pasta feast at my brother's house. So much pasta and bacon cheese...yum.

    I just don't know how to rein myself in. I have plateaued since Thanksgiving! It is so beyond frustrating that I'm just like F THIS a few days a week. I think well, I'm not losing so what's the point? I will eat whatever I want. Any thoughts how to overcome this?

    You have to realize that there is no wagon. It's just you and your choice in this moment. It doesn't matter what choice you made yesterday, or will make tomorrow.

    And frankly, you have to want it enough. Only then will you really commit to the changes you need to make.

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSS !!!!!!!!!!!
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    As much as we say don't deprive yourself, you also can't say yes to full quantities of every single decadent treat. Also for me I prefer to track a weekly deficit, since I don't hit precise targets everyday. Some days I'm over, some I'm under. The app is really good at helping with this since the nutrition area has a weekly graph that'll show you how many calories under your weekly goal, daily average etc. There's also a setting that will lock down the beginning of the week for you, rather than just a seven day running total.