Binging/Cutting Weightlifting? so confused..... :(



  • shannonrandhawa
    A couple of people suggested logging EVERYTHING for a few weeks (NO FASTING)....even the binge days. I would suggest adding to the notes section of your food diary how you are feeling on each day too so you can look for patterns that way too that maybe contributing to the binge days. As someone who has had a few weeks of binging happen recently AND weight trains, if you fast or deprive yourself after the fact your workouts and strength gains will suffer immensely. If you aren't eating enough to begin with ( I lose consistently on 1800-2000+ calories a day) to fuel your body (especially on workout days) you are basically your own worst nightmare at that point. But everyone is different and without any stats to go on I suggest logging EVERYTHING including binges and feelings to establish patterns.

    good idea.
    I'm going to start tracking my food.
    I need to be committed to being healthier.

    lucky you, I'm dreading the end of my bulk phase. My Ideal weight is about 106/107 (I'm 5'1.5) and I don't even want to think about how low my calories are going to have to go :c

    I'm sure hunger is relative to our sizes though, you may get to eat more (grr) but you're bigger and actually neeed more of those calories
    I just have an expanded stomach lol I can eat everything
  • shannonrandhawa
    If you have the insurance/money to do it, I suggest seeing a nutritionist and coming up with a workable plan before this spirals out of control into a binge and starve cycle. If that costs too much, try your regular family doctor. I don't think going it alone here is going to fix this.

    I would love to, but I hate causing my family distress. I'm a bit introverted anyway, and talking to someone about my eating habits/emotions would be.. too difficult and unhelpful. I have improved very much all my own though, so here's to hoping that my progress is limitless. Thank you for your concern :}
  • shannonrandhawa
    What are your goals for starters??

    To be "toned". Which is a vague term I suppose, but to look cut and have some strength.

    I am about 113 lbs right now, at 5'1.5
    I started working out/gaining weight a few months ago, I was about 92 lbs, and I had NO MUSCLE MASS, just all fat. yuck.
    I was hoping to gain muscle weight (I've been gaining fat as well, I'm starting to get a belly again) and hit 115, and then drop back down to 106 which is my "happy weight."

    I'm super afraid to restrict my calories and start slimming down again though, if I already binge while eating 2000 calories... eating 1000 would be.. not good. lol willpower
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Stop punishing yourself for binges, just move on from them. If you continue to restrict afterwards, you will have more binges because your body is crying out for food.

    You need to focus on sorting your binging and restricting before you worry about macros/ training etc.

    Yes, this makes sense to me.
    This sort of behavior sounds like one thing feeds the other.
    Cyclic & difficult to get off the hamster wheel =/
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,141 Member
    I think binge eating happens to anyone regardless of whether they're cutting or bulking.

    Um, nope.