Looking For Help

Hey all,

I am back to my home (Myfitnesspal) After almost 8 months..i left this website in the feb after completing my weight loss from 107 kg to 72kg

from then i have been busy with life so couldnt really look after my body..although i have been maintaining well..i have gained only 1kg till then which is fine with me.

Now i am free till feb again as its off season for me..

I want to build my body into a muscular one..i need a guide.

Should i eat more? if yes then how much? any diet plan would be helpful

My height is 5, 10' weight is 73kg and i am 21 years old.

Waiting for response :)


  • Snypa1
    Snypa1 Posts: 31 Member
    Well if you want to gain muscle you will need to eat RIGHT! Going to the gym is only half the story. You won't make any strength or size gains without the right diet.

    You'll want to find out how many calories your body needs to function everyday (before extra-exercise). There are many websites that can help you learn what this number is. Once you know how many calories you need to eat then you can start planning your diet.

    Also consider that as you will be damaging your muscles by resistance training (lifting weights) you are going to need to eat more than the recommended daily amount of protein (as this is responsible, among other things, for repairing muscles). The recommended amount is usually quoted as 0.7 grams of protein per KG of lean body weight. However you can confidently increase that to double or even triple. Studies have shown benefits at upto 2.4 grams per kilogram of body weight.

    So for someone of your weight aim for 103 grams to 154 grams of protein per day.

    I cannot give you a diet plan that would be personal for you as I simple don't know enough about you. However some good tips would be to:

    * Eat much more regularly (ever few hours, prepare meals in advance - buy Tupperware)
    * Aim for at least 20 grams of protein per meal, then add your fats/carbs and include veg or fruit if possible.
    * If you cannot get enough protein from regular food consider a protein shake or add a glass of raw eggs.

    Once you have got all the information you need then you'll want to eat around 200 calories more than you need each day. This will allow for muscle growth. You don't NEED to count calories of everything but it helps, a lot. Everyone is different and you might start putting on to much fat with your muscle and need to lower your daily calorie intake.

    Hope that helps get you started.
