Newbie questions: Weight loss

So as the subject reads, I am new here and barely learning the ropes to this site and dieting/weight loss in general.
I do have a few burning questions in my mind, though. Currently for my size, height, and weight MFP has put me on a 1520 calorie intake/day and I wondering if that sounds correct for a, currently 229 lbs, 5'5, female? Also, how can I calculate how much protein, fats, sugars, etc. I need a day? What are your thoughts on "refeed"/cheat days? And what should I be doing at the gym to maximize and target fat loss for myself? What can I take to aid weight loss? Example, I am currently trying out ground flax seed what has helped you? Any other tips, hints, or tricks that have helped you lose will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance! :)


  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Everyone who begins a weight loss journey should see their doctor. Even if you are sure nothing is wrong with you and are one of those, "I don't go for wellness, I only go if I'm sick...And why on Earth would anyone need a DOCTOR to lose weight?" kind of people - just go. People here can give you opinions and general advice, but your doctor can give you sound, medical advice that is just for you. He can also refer you to a nutritionist who can work up a great plan for you based on you.

    1520 sounds as good to me as anything. You'll probably lose weight,but you won't be starving. Might as well go with that until you see the doctor.

    I am not a fan of nutrition and couldn't even begin to give other people general advice. Love the dietitians for that stuff. :)

    Not sure what a refeed day is, but a lot of people swear by mixing up the calories. As long as your total for the week is around 10,600 (based on the 1520), I don't think it matter much if you're over and under on some days.

    I don't like the word "cheat." It's overeating, not cheating. You aren't harming, using or tricking anyone else. You cannot cheat on yourself. As a grown-up, you make your choices and do what you want - it's not cheating.

    At the gym, do whatever you want. Find what you like and stick with it, but try something new every couple weeks, just to do it. If you get tired of what you're doing, you'll know what else you like and can easily switch to that (instead of just not going because you're sick of it.). Exercise will probably become something you like doing.

    Your doctor will run blood and tell you if you're low on something and how much to take. Don't bother with other supplements. If you take mega doses of vitamins, most of them will just be immediately excreted. Your body cannot use the extra vitamin C, for instance, so it just gives you expensive urine. Even the few that are stored are just that - stored away. Extra doesn't mean anything else happens. Just eat well and take a multivitamin.

    My only diet tip (other than to get good info from your doctor) is to drink water. Not coffee, tea, juice, pop, etc. Plain old water. It does a body good.

    Log, log, log. Weigh (everything that isn't liquid) and measure (liquids) everything for at least six weeks. You may be surprised what you learn!!

    Don't give up. It's easy at first, but it gets harder. Hard work, every day, for a very long time. The more you lose, the harder to gets. Stick with it.

    Don't wig out about the scale going up. It will do that all the time. If you take in a good amount of sodium, are about to have a period, haven't pooped for a while, rode in an airplane - all kinds of things raise it temporarily. Do not freak.

    Take pictures of yourself with just your underwear (or not even that) on. Nobody has to see them, but it will be helpful later, if you've lost thirty pounds and see no difference. I wish I'd taken some!

    Get a ticker. It's fun to watch. :)

    Good luck!!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Those calories sound a reasonable place to start. Try it for three weeks and then decide if you'd like to change it up or down.

    MFP works out your calorie break down for you. To be honest, for the first couple of months I just aimed at my calorie goal, didn't worry about the "macros" (i.e. hitting the goals for protein, fat, salt etc). I do find if I hit the protein goal the rest falls in to place.

    I don't have "cheat days" or "refeeds". Once a week I have an evening meal that takes me over my calorie goal. I up the exercise in the morning, eat less all day and weigh and record the takeaway.

    Exercise? I'd start with what makes you happy. Try different things, read around and experiment with different activities.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I do have a few burning questions in my mind, though. Currently for my size, height, and weight MFP has put me on a 1520 calorie intake/day and I wondering if that sounds correct for a, currently 229 lbs, 5'5, female? Also, how can I calculate how much protein, fats, sugars, etc. I need a day? What are your thoughts on "refeed"/cheat days? And what should I be doing at the gym to maximize and target fat loss for myself?

    Weight / resistance training to preserve lean body mass. Walking or cycling slowly will eat away at your fat reserves too.

    You have a lot of excess calories on board to supply your needs, so 1520 calories may work if not eat 200 less.

    Refeed and cheat days are nonsense in my opinion. Find a diet you can stick to. The goal setting on MFP gives you targets, I would increase the protein to 25 or 30% from the standard 20% and reduce carbs to compensate.