SAHM 1/3 to 1/9



  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Hello all! I am new to this post, but not new to the site. I am a SAHM of 3 beautiful kids! Isabella is 6 and in grade one, Lukas just turned 4 and will start preschool in the fall, and my little Andreya will be 2 in March! I love being a mom, now I just have to find time to start loving myself again! Before getting pregnant with my 3rd, I was totally committed to being in shape and having a healthy pregnancy, I lost 94 lbs in preparation and felt better than I had in years. Then I had my most trying pregnancy, lots of crazy ups and downs, and I lost all self-control as I started to hide away from the I have gained a huge amount back and feel really upset with myself. I hope that I can gain strength through your stories and motivation to find me again, that happy healthy mom I was starting to be. I look forward to sharing progress with you guys and offering support and encouragement as well!
  • mamato4boys1girl
    My name is Christi, I am 32, have been married for almost 12 years (March 20), we have 4 boys - Dylan will be 10 on the 25th, Carson just turned 3 on the 22nd Dec, Brendan is 20 months & Aaron is 3 months now. I am an Air Force brat so I don't really have any where I call home then I married right back into it! Life on the outside is scarey, even with everything we deal with in the military I think it's much scarey on the outside. Hubby only has 5 years left until retirement so I guess I better get used to the idea though! The weight problem started after DS#1, I was put on bedrest with that pregnancy & gained 60lbs. When he was 6 weeks old we moved to Germany, the first time away from my family and a brand new baby made for a very stressful first year there so the weight didn't really come off. We moved back to the states but then we struggled for 4 year to conceive DS#2 with two years taking fertility drugs which I think made it hard for me to loose weight. I only gained 13lbs with that pregnancy then lost 30lbs after so I was excited to keep that going. Well surprise surprise we found out I was pregnant with DS#3 when #2 was 7 months old so the weight loss stopped there. Then we moved here (Idaho), so with the move & two small children I felt a bit to busy to workout. Finally got to a point when #3 was about 6 months that I went back to the gym and got to my prepregnancy weight. Then sure enough we got our little "opps" and DS#4 when #3 was about 8 months! Since I have high risk pregnancies working out is not really recommended. But I had it in mind that after this baby it would be different, I will workout & get the weight off plus some more. I really want to like the way I look in clothes again and believe my hubby when he calls me Hot Mama!! We haven't made a definate desions about if we are done having babies yet, guess I am always holding out hope for a little girl but live in the reality that it may not happen. Hubby leaves in March for atleast 6 months and I hope to get the weight off and feel better about myself while he is gone then when he comes back if we decided that another baby is what we want I will be at a much better place phyiscally to carry the baby & hopefully bounce back better after!! I am excited about this year even though I know it will be a hard one with DH gone for half of it, luckily my dad's job took my parents to Utah so they are only 4 hours away now which will be nice. I am going to try my best and am glad to have the support of you ladies on here.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    How come the days I can't get to the gym are the days that I tend to want to eat more?
    Oldest had Scouts tonight so I'm not able to make it to the gym and I keep finding myself heading for the kitchen. I ate popcorn, which wasn't bad but then I got a glass of chocolate milk, which is not great. I find it interesting that I want to munch more when I don't get to the gym, hmmmm wonder why that is? On top of that I am watching The Biggest Looser, you would think that would be motivation enough not to go looking for munchies but nope. Still working on the will power. :embarassed:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    so glad many of you chimed in. we are an interesting mix of women. skinny dreams--i think i saw you on other threads here and there. welcome! you can always feel safe on this thread--we really understand the challenges and are supportive AND encouraging.

    sarah anne--are you doing a denim rag quilt. i hear they go together quickly. let us know how it goes for you. :flowerforyou:

    just curious--for the women who sew--what kind of sewing machine do you use?

    do any of you have an i phone? i'm asking cuz i just got one (i am leaping into the 21st century!). and i found a cool FREE app--nike training club (for women). it has a whole bunch of free workouts for beg, intermed, advanced and whether you want strength or lean or..... it has pics (video??) and music.
    it's not on my plan for tomorrow cuz i'm doing cardiox, but i will try it on wednes and let you know.

    last but not least--i have ALWAYS had a hard time with eating from 3-6pm and again after 8 pm. besides gum and getting out of the kitchen, can y'all please help?? this is where i consistently blow my calories.:grumble:
    i can't usually exercise then b/c the kids are too nutty and need close supervision. plus, by 5 i usually have to start dinner.
    if i pre plan snacks and have them ready to go--what should i have? and how do you handle being just so tired/drained by
    that time of day.
    i think part of my problem is tiredness and then i overeat to stay awake.
    would appreciate all suggestions!

    signing off for tonight. chk y'all later
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    How come the days I can't get to the gym are the days that I tend to want to eat more?
    Oldest had Scouts tonight so I'm not able to make it to the gym and I keep finding myself heading for the kitchen. I ate popcorn, which wasn't bad but then I got a glass of chocolate milk, which is not great. I find it interesting that I want to munch more when I don't get to the gym, hmmmm wonder why that is? On top of that I am watching The Biggest Looser, you would think that would be motivation enough not to go looking for munchies but nope. Still working on the will power. :embarassed:

    we must have been typing at the same time! hehe
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    I've been working out in the evenings as soon as the last kiddo is in bed! Then I have a yogurt or fruit with a couple glasses of water and a hot shower...makes it nice to go to bed feeling satisfied! Have you tried eating veggies or fruit as a snack with water in the late afternoons??? I find that's how I get through late afternoon cravings while prepping for supper. I usually then eat less at supper because I find that I already filled up on my veggies! Kind of the several small meals idea, seems to keep me satisfied longer.

    Best of luck to all in your journeys! I will be here for the ride, cheering you on along the way!
  • Tamelaine
    Yay! I'm excited to meet and get to know everyone! It will be nice to have a support group to do this with as well. :)
    I'm Tami and I have 2 kids--Kailey who is 5 and is in kindergarten and Madeline (Maddie) who is 19 months. I've been married 7 years and currently living in Southern California, though previously I lived in Provo, Utah. I love to read also! Love to read is probably even an understatement! That's probably one big downfall because I would so much rather read a book than exercise, but I am determined to get my exercising in every day before getting involved in a book!
    Last year I did the Southern California Half MArathon when Maddie was only 7 and 1/2 months old and I was super proud of myself and determined to keep running, but unfortunately I didn't run regularly, so its back to retraining my body. I'd like to do another half in March, but I've got to get a move on! Right now, I just started p90x and its kicking my butt, but no pain, no gain right?
    Oh, this is only my second post here, and I'm still trying to figure everything out so bear with me!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    UGH!!! all of what I just typed was erased! :explode: I am a 36 year old SAHM'er to 2 stepkids. a 17 year old and a 14 year old. the 17 is in public school and the 14 yr old is in an online school. We are hoping to have a baby soon! we have been trying for a while now!:cry: we live in Oregon, are originally from Pennsylvania, and may be moving to Washington state. We aren't in the military, but I feel like we are with the moving!:tongue: I am a runner, I do sew some, and I love to make things at home, bread, etc. We would love to be as self sufficient as possible. We have 20 acres and have chickens at the moment. I am also GF. Can't have corn and Soy gets frustrating at times but I gotta deal with it!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    nicole--what do you mean MOVING to WA state? you'd leave all your property??? obviously you gotta do what you gotta do. i just know how much love you've put into your home/land. (())

    welcome tame!

    i think i'm the oldest mama on here--where are you curliegirl??
    i forgot to mention earlier--I am 39.
    and i do not want to go into my 40's as fat middle aged flabby mama. not me, not gonna do it, as tony (of p90x fame) would say. :)

    have a great day everyone!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    wait! i have one question bakers--

    i found a recipe for oatmeal applesauce muffins. i don't want muffins tho. i want to make it into a quick bread. do i need to adjust the recipe or just pour the batter into a greased bread size pan?
    please advise. thanks!
  • Home6
    Home6 Posts: 208 Member
    I think you should be okay with putting muffin batter into a loaf pan, just need to bump up the time in the oven. I know my banana bread has to bake for at least an hour. So I would check it after 45 minutes or so. Hope it comes out okay!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Christi ~ Are you Air Force? We only have 5 years left as well, and we hope Jason can get a civilian job on base after! I feel ya on the will power, I gave into chips and salsa last night, but at least it was only one serving of baked scoops :)

    Stacey ~ I have an iPod touch, I'll have to look for it! :) That would be a good thing to have when I meet the girls at the gym at night. And you don't look like you are about to turn 40! You look amazing! I'm 29, 30 in May :) But I don't feel like I'm about to turn 30 LOL

    Skinny ~ I usually head to the gym at 8 after the kids go to bed too. Then I have a greek yogurt after, read, and go to bed. Keeps the munchies away for me!

    Tami ~ Congrats on your half! It's amazing feeling when you cross that finish line! I plan on doing another in May, and I'm so excited!

    Nicole ~ Where in WA? I miss the PACNW! lol, I'm sure you're sick of hearing me say that ;-P

    One workout done, doing another one tonight with the girls! I have 3 friends I'm whipping into shape (according to them, anyway) We all meet at the gym after the kids go to bed and ride bike (one has partially dislocated knees) then hit core exercises. Can you give me some exercises you like doing for your core? How about for arms and legs? I really want to start alternating what we do to help them strengthen muscles as well doing the cardio portion to help them with their heart :)
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Katie ~ my hubby is in the Air Force, he really wants to move back to Texas (what he calls home) when he retires, become a Fish & Game Warden. He is a total outdoor guy so it would be his ideal job. I feel like since there isn't really anywhere I call home and he has done all these years serving his country if that is really what he wants then he should be able to do it so at the moment that seems to be where we are going. It only scares me because our oldest will only be 15 & the youngest 4 (if we don't have anymore) and there are so many things we just take for granted being military like health care that you don't have so easily on the outside. But I'm sure we will figure it all out when the time comes.
    Some ideas for exercise is to do your weights on a ball - tricepts, bicepts... it uses the core to keep stable while doing your weight for arms, also good for crunches - to keep you off the floor.

    Hubby leaves really early Saturday morning so one of the guys from work is going to take him since he has to take the weapon anyways. Right now 3 weeks seems like a piece of cake but it is making the fact that he is leaving for atleast 6 months very soon seem so much more real, for DS#1 too. He was telling me how he doesn't want dad to go where they are killing people, it's so hard to reasure him that most people are fine over there. I am just glad that he is the only one old enough to understand right now, he was always too young before.
    One good thing about him not being here is the eatting gets easier because I can just make something the boys like for dinner and then I can eat whatever I want and not have a big meal or leftovers that have to get eatten up. I can do things like grill a bunch of chicken then we can eat that for a few days in different ways but I can just put it in salad or something, hubby would be so sick of it and want something else where the boys could care less if they even get meat half the time! That's looking on the bright side of him being gone, haha!!

    I didn't really get in a good workout yesterday so I must get to the gym tonight. Usually go around 7pm so the boys are all fed and happy and can spend a little time with daddy before bed. I also did a little Wii Fit right after I put the boys down for their nap. Now I gotta get off here and go finish laundry, fun fun!!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks for the input. today i baked oatmeal applesauce bread (it worked, sarah anne. i kept playing with the temperature too). this is a low fat lowish sugar recipe. and i also made homemade granola bars where i reduced the sugar (will do so even more next time and add in applesauce). i "need" my sweet carbs so these are way better than my chowing down nestle tollhouse cookies or homemade brown sugar cookies. (cuz you know that's what i usually do!).

    i had some for snack with oj and milk--and feel full. like i can finally make it to dinner. :)
    i also upped the protein at lunch with garbanzo beans so maybe that will help tame that late afternoon hunger.

    i would like to have that evening workout--the yogurt/fruit/shower combo sounds delightful.
    but first i have to get my kids to stay in their rooms come 8:30PM. bedtimes have been YUKKY here lately! still, that could be a good fit on days i don't get to exercise in the AM.

    and katie--love YOUR updated picture! and thanks for the compliments. that pic is a year old. i have to figure out how to download the pics off iphone and then up onto here. i don't feel old in my face but in my stamina and my mid-sxn i feel like rosie o'donnell.

    also, that's cool how you've been helping your friends get into shape! that nike thing has core workouts. there are a lot of good core from p90x too.
    couple easy--
    straight leg kicks (w/o tilting back, core engaged)
    "swimming" on abdomen or superman/banana poses
    knee lifts with bringing opposite arm across (scooping the belly, swinging a bat, steam engine--those are to help you get a visual)
    push ups and variations really call on core muscles too

    have fun!
    off to ballet class for dd2. :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Wow that was a lot that I missed.

    Christi, Sarah, Katie any other military families~I couldn't even imagine what you and your families go through for our country. THANK YOU!!!

    Christi~I got to say that for me it looks a whole lot scarier on the "inside" than on the "outside". Of course this is all I have ever known and that is all you have ever known. So I guess what I am trying to say is the unknown is scary.

    Stacey~I would have to agree that you don't look like you are 39! Oh and as for the sewing machine I have a Bernina. I love my Bernina. I have sewn on other machines and really don't care for them much. Are you looking into getting a sewing machine?

    Sarah Anne~I too am going to be making a denim quilt, however mine won't be a baby one. I have been saving up the kids worn out jeans for a while now. I have had some help from friends giving me theirs as well. Once I get done with my current projects of dishcloths and scarf I want to start on that. Tell me how it goes.
  • valmaebel
    valmaebel Posts: 1,045 Member
    Katie - I've always wanted 4 kids and my family thinks I'm crazy. Not sure about the hubby though, for sure want to start for a third soon. We'll negotiate after that. :P

    Barb - Living with the in-laws must be tough! I love my in-laws but it would not go well if I had to live with them. :P I figure if you've gained 5 pounds or less for the holiday season you have been rockin! :)

    Sarah - I'm turning 30 in July! Where did the time go huh? I am an avid reader but have yet to get a kindle. I've been dying for one. Is it pretty awesome to have then? Thank you so much for the awesome verse! Very encouraging for the start of the new year. :)

    Skinnydreams - Don't be too hard on yourself! There is always a chance with each day to do better. I often am very hard on myself about every little mistake, but we are all human. All this to say, you can do it! :) I gained about 30 pounds with my second kiddo. The first one was easy, so I didn't put much thought into it until she came out and I was still the size of a circus tent. :P That and a trip to the doctor where all my lvls were through the roof got me off my rear and working. So I know how you feel.

    Staci - I literally made a strict schedule of eating. I cut down what I ate for meals but then scheduled many snacks. I was eating every 2-3 hours so that when I got the munchies I would just tell myself I only have an hour then I get a snack. that helped a lot! But it is still the area I struggle with a lot and probably always will. I've taken to letting myself have 1 diet soda a day as well. Also, drinking water helps. I often get the munchies when I'm actually thirsty or sticking to fruit as a snack. Hope this helps!

    Tamelaine - I'm running a half marathon in a week! I'm excited to see how it goes!

    Haven't been running this week as we're all coming down with a cold. But I'm staying within range for my calories. Went out to eat, but got a 500 calorie or less meal from Applebee's. I wanted to get the appetizer trio, but managed to exercise some self control. Also avoided the dessert menu and didn't get the mudslide (my absolute favorite drink ever!!!!) Hubby got the hot tub up and running today so we're off to go soak and then to bed! Have a great end of your week ladies!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Christi ~ I know what you mean, life on the outside is scary!!

    Stacey ~ Aw, thanks! You're too sweet! LOL And I'm sure you haven't changed that much in a year! I feel like that in my midsection as well, it's the only place I don't like on my body. And honestly, I don't think I will ever really like it unless I get a tummy tuck, there's just too much extra skin :(

    For sewing machines, I was very lucky, my mom got a new all in one that does everything and embroidery, so she gave me her old ones. I need to sit down and read up on the embroidery machine...there's so much I want to use it on! LOL

    Val ~ Good luck on your half next week!! How exciting!!!

    I really need to work on my fat intake, it's horrible! I've only been back at it for 3 days, and I've been over in fat every single day! yikes!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    WOW! I can't keep up with all of the posts! :tongue: I have a few more days of not posting much because my parents are still here! It is definitely bittersweet that they are leaving!
  • skinnydreams
    skinnydreams Posts: 1,178 Member
    Wow, you ladies are great at keeping the conversation going! I'm having trouble finding the time to read through everything in the few minutes my kids give me on the computer! It's nice to have such an encouraging group to share this adventure with!

    I'm trying to build up the strength to cut diet pop out of my life...I find that it makes me crave the other junk that goes so well with it. Let's face it, a bag of chips or a chocolate bar go much better with a diet pepsi than an apple! Has anyone found a substitute? I was thinking maybe I would try some crystal light mixed with soda water...that way I could still enjoy the bubbles!
  • jcch00
    jcch00 Posts: 57 Member
    Hello all! May I join? I really need to make some friends on here to help keep me motivated.

    My name is Jill and I am 31-year old SAHM. I have been married for nearly 11 years and have 3 children; ages 9, 5, and 7 months. We live in the suburbs of St. Louis.

    I have struggled with my weight my entire life. You could call me a "yo-yo dieter". Back in 2002, just after having my 1st child I ballooned to 210 and a size 22. I lost 85 lbs. that year and have managed to maintain a healthy weight since - generally speaking. I typically hover around 140 (size 10) when I'm not dieting.

    I weighed 175 when I came home from the hospital after having my son last spring. I began dieting in July and have lost close to 50 lbs. I weigh 127.4 right now (size 6) and would love to make my 3rd and final weight loss goal of 120 lbs.