Sexy Sixers New Day Challenge-- Week 3



  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning gals!

    Lorna...great to hear from you girl!! And good job getting in those workouts! I never did try Zumba but heard it was lots of fun so hope you enjoyed it!

    Cathy...ugh taxes...didn't want to start thinking about doing those yet.

    Well...last night I was BAD and munched big time! I ate a bunch of cinnamon chex while watching Greys and Private Practice! Darn! And I've been doing so good!! Plus I had a heavy dinner and a short workout (Shred level 1) so I ended up going over in calories by like 400! AH! Today will be better!! I promise!

    B-Honey Kix, skim milk, coffee w/sugar free creamer
    S-Banana, cereal bar
    L-Turkey, 1 oz. cheese, spinach and honey mustard on light wheat bread, light yogurt, baby carrots
    S-2 clementines
    D-Italian chicken...maybe mixed in a salad or with brown rice and broccoli...I haven't decided yet
    S-chocolate rice cake with 2 tbsp. cool whip free

    Shred level 2...I think and maybe an ab workout as well

    Have a great day ladies and a fabulous weekend!!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey Ladies :)

    It is so awesome to see some of the original Sixers! You guys are doing so great!! I have been so flighty and MIA for hhhmmmm over the past year lately- my apologies :blushing: :flowerforyou:

    Ive updated my info on my profile- so you guys can see what I have been up to the past year! I was doing so well maintaining my weight loss- staying right between 165-175lbs for a little over a year! Well, we moved, and I do not like the new town, and have made myself miserable :( Gained 20lbs since end of July!!! 10lbs alone were gained over Thanksgiving and Christmas!! I am currently at 195.4! I am kickstarting today to get back in gear. I am setting a goal to shed 60lbs this year! If it takes 6 months, thats fine and if it takes the whole year I am fine with that too.

    I need a good tight support group, getting started is always the hardest as you guys know! You all have been there since the beginning way back when and have always been awesome- THANK YOU! :heart:

    Sooo I know you guys are in the middle of a challenge, but I would like to join it- if thats okay??

    My stats-

    Katy (katyk08).......................SW 195.4 lbs/ GW 190.0 lbs/ CW 195.4lbs / PROGRESS 0.0lbs

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    YAY Katy!!! Welcome back!! We would LOVE to have you join again! Can you believe how long ago it was when we started this thread...CRAZY!!!

    Clare (Finnhead).......................SW 166.8 lbs/ GW 161.0 lbs/ CW 166.8 / PROGRESS 0.0lbs
    Susan (Suedre).........................SW 162.0 lbs/ GW 157.0 lbs/ CW 163.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    Cathy(chipper)...........................SW 250.0 lbs/ GW 245.0 lbs/ CW 245.6 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.4 lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)..........................SW 209 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 214.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +5.4 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)......................SW 169.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 173.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +4.0 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman).................SW 155.8 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 155.4 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4lbs
    Lauren (ren315)........................SW 203.0 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 206.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +3.0lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)...........SW 177.4lbs/ GW 172 lbs/ CW 176.8lbs/ PROGRESS - 0.8lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).....................SW 280 lbs/ GW 270 lbs/ CW 281 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)..........................SW 187lbs/ GW 184lbs/ CW 191 lbs/ PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) .......SW 131.2 lbs/ GW 127.0 lbs/ CW 128.4 lbs/PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Katy (katyk08).............................SW 195.4 lbs/ GW 190.0 lbs/ CW 195.4lbs / PROGRESS 0.0lbs

    Tiff (gonabfit) .............................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 155.0 lbs/CW 165.0/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..................SW 133.5 lbs/ GW 128 lbs/ CW 133.5 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).........SW 162.8 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 162.8 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    crap. yup that's all i have eaten all afternoon. it will stop. i got my fill.

  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    back at it. slept like crap, cause i felt like crap.
    walked outside in the cold this morning, getting ready to shower and dress and start my day.

    as one of the members said "exercise in no longer an option" i am going to start thinking of it that way also.

  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Clare (Finnhead).......................SW 166.8 lbs/ GW 161.0 lbs/ CW 166.8 / PROGRESS 0.0lbs
    Susan (Suedre).........................SW 162.0 lbs/ GW 157.0 lbs/ CW 163.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    Cathy(chipper)...........................SW 250.0 lbs/ GW 245.0 lbs/ CW 245.6 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.4 lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)..........................SW 209 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 214.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +5.4 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)......................SW 169.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 173.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +4.0 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman).................SW 155.8 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 155.4 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4lbs
    Lauren (ren315)........................SW 203.0 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 206.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +3.0lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)...........SW 177.4lbs/ GW 172 lbs/ CW 176.8lbs/ PROGRESS - 0.8lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).....................SW 280 lbs/ GW 270 lbs/ CW 281 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)..........................SW 187lbs/ GW 184lbs/ CW 191 lbs/ PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) .......SW 131.2 lbs/ GW 127.0 lbs/ CW 128.4 lbs/PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Katy (katyk08).............................SW 195.4 lbs/ GW 190.0 lbs/ CW 195.4lbs / PROGRESS 0.0lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..................SW 133.5 lbs/ GW 128 lbs/ CW 133.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs

    Tiff (gonabfit) .............................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 155.0 lbs/CW 165.0/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).........SW 162.8 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 162.8 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs

    Sorry I'm late!! Been busy revising for my AS exams next week :noway:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    nothing planned for today. i think i might go out tinkering.
    DH is building a doggy door for the sliding glass door. those things are so expensive. so he's building on out of wood and heavy plastic. it should work for now. only cost me $15.

    off to play a game and maybe eat lunch soon.

  • izzypup
    izzypup Posts: 341 Member
    Good Morning all! I have a ton of stuff to do around the house today. It is a mess!!!! Good thing it is freezing outside. I think I will work out this afternoon. I am still sporadic with my water intake. Most of the week i have been okay but not great... yesterday I had only about 5 glasses and most of them were in the evening. I read somewhere that you should have most of your water in the earlier part of the day. I guess anytime is better than never... Man, getting back into the workout mode is difficult. I am trying Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday are my harder workout days. The rest i will do yoga and this short ab workout. Maybe some weights. I just want to do it at least 30 mins everyday. Is that a plan??? Hope so!
    Chat later ....
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    My daughter just let me know I have 245 days till the wedding......Lots of work ahead:noway:

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hi everyone!!!

    I have been traveling all week ! I had 2 residency interviews this week and I think I have 2 more... I'm leaving my weight the same because I haven't been on the scale but with a week of traveling it's likely a little higher. Such is life. I am focused on progression and am holding myself accountable. I am going to measure myself tomorrow morning (Sunday)- then focus on Tuesday's weigh in... Also I am committed to counting all my calories and being honest about it!

    so, Saturday I ate ~2350 calories. That's a heck of a lot... but I'll do better tomorrow and I'm making myself be accountable to you all! Hope you all are doing well

    Oh and Cathy, thanks for the compliment on the pictures!!! Ididn't know you were on facebook!
    Sat 01/08/11 07:12 AM
    Clare (Finnhead).......................SW 166.8 lbs/ GW 161.0 lbs/ CW 166.8 / PROGRESS 0.0lbs
    Susan (Suedre).........................SW 162.0 lbs/ GW 157.0 lbs/ CW 163.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +1.5 lbs
    Cathy(chipper)...........................SW 250.0 lbs/ GW 245.0 lbs/ CW 245.6 lbs/ PROGRESS -4.4 lbs
    AmyS(Amy_36)..........................SW 209 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 214.4 lbs/ PROGRESS +5.4 lbs
    Kristin (kistinbee)......................SW 169.5 lbs/ GW 165.0 lbs/ CW 173.5 lbs/ PROGRESS +4.0 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman).................SW 155.8 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 155.4 lbs / PROGRESS -0.4lbs
    Lauren (ren315)........................SW 203.0 lbs/ GW 199.0 lbs/ CW 206.0 lbs/ PROGRESS +3.0lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)...........SW 177.4lbs/ GW 172 lbs/ CW 176.8lbs/ PROGRESS - 0.8lbs
    Amez(Amyls8711).....................SW 280 lbs/ GW 270 lbs/ CW 281 lbs/ PROGRESS +1 lbs
    Sandy (Izzypup)..........................SW 187lbs/ GW 184lbs/ CW 191 lbs/ PROGRESS +2.0 lbs
    Lorna (lulabellewoowoo) .......SW 131.2 lbs/ GW 127.0 lbs/ CW 128.4 lbs/PROGRESS -2.8 lbs
    Katy (katyk08).............................SW 195.4 lbs/ GW 190.0 lbs/ CW 195.4lbs / PROGRESS 0.0lbs
    Beky (bekylouisex3)..................SW 133.5 lbs/ GW 128 lbs/ CW 133.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit) .............................SW 166.5 lbs/ GW 155.0 lbs/CW 165.0/ PROGRESS -1.5 lbs

    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising).........SW 162.8 lbs/ GW 159.0 lbs/ CW 162.8 lbs/ PROGRESS 0.0 lbs
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    trying to discipline myself to check in with you all daily, like I used to! Hope all is well! I woke up early to workout before church :-) Now clean up a little later! :-) I'll check back by to see if anyone else checks in!
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    trying to discipline myself to check in with you all daily
    :sad: :sad: :sad: Don't make us a punishment!!!! - Just teasing. You can tell I have kids. Discipline can only mean whoopings.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    good morning....

    what a day this has turned into. we are getting the winter storm here on the east coast. roads are frozen. i have DH out working in it. son to leave for work at lunch time. DD and SIL are both at work. i got the grands, cause they didn't want to go over the bridge to take them to his mothers. now school has just closed. so.....i can bet the gym is closed also, but, even the 2 miles up the road is bad. we will play on the wii today, should be able to get something in there.

    have a whole chicken in the oven to debone for chicken and dumplings tomorrows dinner, have a beef stew in the crock pot for tonights dinner. they will have grilled cheese and top ramin for lunch. a good day ahead. was going to clean, maybe still will, or just get the laundry done and simple stuff like that.

    back later, be safe for the ones in the nasty weather.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    MORNING ladies!!! I am in a SUPER great mood this morning!! Had a VERY good weekend! I have now gotten in exercise EVERY day this past week! Had three long workouts with my harder circuit training and the rest were 25 minute workouts but ALL were good! YAY!! AND...I only went over in calories ONE day! Wahooo!! I am SO excited to have found my motivation again!!! I hope I can rub it off on all of you!!

    Plan today:
    B-Simply Cinnamon corn flakes, skim milk, coffee w/sugar free creamer
    S-Banana, cereal bar
    L-Italian chicken with carrots and celery and a light yogurt
    S-Canteloupe and almonds
    D-Homemade chicken and dumplings...YUM!
    S-2 chocolate crunch rice cakes

    Jillian Michaels No More Trouble Zones (55 minute circuit training)

    Have a FABULOUS day gals!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    so don't want to weigh in. i gained bad. this weather just gets you down.

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    It's ok Cathy... Let's jump on it this week and we can get back on track!