Feeling nausea all the time

I have recently started dieting, and ive been getting nausea feeling all the time. Ive dieted before with 1200cals like a year ago. Now i realise i can eat up to 2000cals and lose weight but this time ive been doing weight training. I am 82kg and 165cm tall, i keepgetting of my diet due to sick amxious feeling, and sometimes faint should i be eating more? I try to drink enough.h20 I dnt know what to do


  • If a friend said this I would tell them to consult a doctor. I feel nausea as well when I eat too little, but it's part of the process, I guess.

    One thing to be aware of is hypochondria. Our minds freak out if we get a head rush when we stand up too fast, but that's completely normal in reality. That's your body adjusting to the situation. Our bodies are made to conform to whatever we throw at it. Not every discomfort is a health concern, and it's important to keep that in mind.

    As far as being nauseated, maybe you're eating the wrong foods, too much or too little, or your body is just adjusting to the change. I'm not an expert, which is why I suggest seeing a doctor or nutritionist and discussing it with them. There's also general nausea over-the-counter medicines you can give a shot. Good luck.
  • Chrisparadise579
    Chrisparadise579 Posts: 411 Member
    I dont know how long you have been eating at your higher calorie level but I know that when you do increase your calories it can be very easy to feel full and nauscious alot of the time, It happens to me quite frequently. It could also be you are eating to close before and/or after your workouts which will cause nausea. It could even be you are working out very intensely in which case there is nothing wrong and you just had a GREAT workout.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Are you pregnant? I had queasy feelings in early pregnancy, but no vomiting. And if I didn't eat as SOON as I woke up, I would feel dizzy and light-headed and get dark spots in my vision, especially in warm/hot rooms or in the shower.

    Worth checking out, anyway. Definitely eat more, whether you are or aren't! 1200 cals is a very low amount, not many people can keep their bodies running on that!
  • lolapopX
    lolapopX Posts: 11 Member
    thanks guys, i think lack of vegetables may have had me feeling queasy. Had alot of veges today plus Im going to see a nutritionist. And no im not pregnant yet lol