First timer

Dear all,
I just wanted to introduce myself .
How is it goes? Do i have to say my name is Yevgeni and i am a fat man.
Well it is true. I have a dream to loose 35 KG is it possible did any of your done it? How long did it take? The lowest weight i had it was 90 and then i quit smoking and gained 25 kg within one year . To be honest i never really cared about my weight or health , i even quit smoking just because i didnt want to be addict anymore (and not because of health reason). On personal level i was born in USSR then lived in Israel and after i moved to Hungary i am married .
My biggest challenge i think it will be my trips , on my job i travel a lot and i have a lot of buisness meetings in the restaurant and as your understand temptation is huge . . Another thing since i travel to countries such as Georgia , Azeirbajan etc. There local food is not exist in this site so counting calories will be not easy mission . Will be more then glad to get your opinion.
The letter got longer then i expected :)
Best regard