Losing weight and gaining muscle

Hi everyone, I was wondering if it is possible to both lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. I know you can only lose fat with a calorie deficit, and you can only gain muscle with a calorie surplus. So what if I want to lower my body fat percentage and gain some lean muscle without getting too skinny?


  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Start working your muscles now. You can get some newbie gains in a calorie deficit. What you're describing is why many men and women do bulk/cut phases. During a bulk, they eat at a calorie surplus and train hard. During a cut, they continue to train (so as not to lose gains) while cutting calories. I recommend doing research on bulking and cutting phases in the forums and groups to better understand how to go about it.
  • nicolalane716
    nicolalane716 Posts: 14 Member
    You may be able to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time - as long as you are fat and unfit when you start!

    Essentially A ketogenic diet will usually preserve lean muscle mass, add serious resistance/strength training and you will build some muscle, take your diet down so you are in calorie deficit and there you go!
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You may be able to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time - as long as you are fat and unfit when you start!

    Essentially A ketogenic diet will usually preserve lean muscle mass, add serious resistance/strength training and you will build some muscle, take your diet down so you are in calorie deficit and there you go!
    Lifting weights will preserve muscle mass. Keto is a lot of additional work. People bulk and cut all the time while eating carbohydrates.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Recomposition can be done (lose fat, gain muscle at the same time) but it's super slow. It's much quicker and easier to see gains when you cycle cutting and bulking. Eat at a deficit to lose fat until you're at or very near your ideal weight. Then eat a surplus to gain muscle until you've put on an additional 10 pounds. You must lift heavy through both cycles in order to keep muscle during the cut, and gain muscle during the bulk. Not all of your gained pounds will be muscle (in fact, most of it won't be...) so you may have to cycle through several times, gaining and losing 10 pounds while working hard, in order to get to the point where you want to be.
  • cfgreear
    cfgreear Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks everyone thats a big help, so for now ill focus on dropping fat and maintaining muscle, after next month ill build muscle and then repeat the process as i can.

    Thank you for the advice.