Feeling disappointment

I have reached my first real hurdle in my journey, and I am feeling bitter disappointment.

I came back to MFP on September 1st. That is the date that I logged my first food entry in almost a year. I logged my first exercise on September 3rd, but then I did not exercise again until September 9th. From September 9th to the current date, I have done some type of exercise every day (usually walking but sometimes going to the park and playing catch with my kids).

I did my first weigh in around the 1st and recorded my starting weight. I did my next weigh in a week later and I had lost 4 pounds. A week later, my 3rd weigh in, I lost 5 more pounds.

I weighed in this morning and have gained 1.5 pounds. To be honest I feel crushed. It feels like I ran a 9 sec 100-yard dash and the time keeper says, “Oh wait, the clock reset before I could record the time, can you run it again?”

Last week my daily average caloric intake was 1570 (high 1914 & low 1340) and my average daily caloric burn (due to exercise) was 351.7. I should have lost 2 lbs. due to food intake and another ½ lb. because of exercise!

I am trying to fight the disappointment and not let it discourage me. So, I am thinking the following things to try to get past my momentary (hopefully) disillusionment.

• Yesterday, due to a quirk of my diet, I took in a lot of sodium (my average is about 2300mg a day and I took in almost 6000mg, damn soy sauce), because of that, perhaps, I retained a bunch of water (I drink at least 128 oz., or 8lbs, a day).

• Since I have started exercising (meaning September 9th) I have walked 43.24 miles. I have noticed that my legs have a lot more muscle. Additionally, even though I know you cannot target fat locations on the body, I have lost some of the little fatty pockets I had on my legs (like where the thigh and groin meet). Even though I am not lifting weights, I have also noticed that my arms have more tone and definition to the muscles (I do swing my arms pretty vigorously when I walk because my pedometer is on my phone and sometimes in order for it to ready I have to be BIG with my motions). So perhaps I may have actually gained a bit of muscle and that has offset the fat loss.

So I am trying to keep my head up and not feel discouraged. But even though my brain is telling me that I did good for the week, my emotions are not listening.


  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Gains on the scale are so damn defeating. Especially when you've done nothing but the right stuff the week prior. I always stall or gain a bit after a big loss. All I can say is try to ignore the tiny gain and celebrate the 2 weeks of big losses. You will lose again!
    also...unless you absolutely can't help yourself, don't step on that stupid scale so often. Maybe try twice a month? It will help avoid scale depression.
  • keshabbaker
    keshabbaker Posts: 152 Member
    I don't think you should be upset that sounds like you lost 7 pounds this month with the little weight gain. I bet in a day or two the weight will be back down because the scale is a real pickle and will make a person go crazy. Keep it up and go off the total weight loss for the month and divide by 4 which will give almost two pounds a week. Good Luck
  • Flips37
    Flips37 Posts: 81 Member
    Your plan to hang in there is a good one! I am having a similar reaction this week. Those first few weeks of change always see the weight drop quickly (water weight, etc.) and then reality hits. Trying to look past the hump and keep a good attitude. It's not easy though, is it!
  • HazelMcNutty
    HazelMcNutty Posts: 85 Member
    It can be pretty disheartening, but always remember that weight loss is NOT linear. It will go up and it will go down, there is nothing you can do to stop it. Sometimes it's just water weight and sometimes it's because you may have gone over a few calories the day before. I started in August, Since then I've lost 5 pounds, gained back four and have now lost that 4 again. '

    Honestly it sounds like you're doing great!
  • HazelMcNutty
    HazelMcNutty Posts: 85 Member
    Also, measure and take pictures!

    When ever I step on the scale and see I have gone up, I'll take some pictures and compare them to my start.. always makes me feel much better to see that my butt is tighter and my abs are starting to show... :) You'll be able to see the difference and it will make you feel Amazing!
  • TheRealJigsaw
    TheRealJigsaw Posts: 295 Member
    Your sodium intake alone (6000 mg) is enough to see a slight gain on the scale. With that been said, weight loss is not linear. Losing 7.5 Ibs a month is a good month to me.
  • socalkay
    socalkay Posts: 746 Member
    Nine pounds in two weeks? That's awesome!!! I'm lucky to lose a pound a week and that's eating 1000 - 1300 calories/day (1300 when I ride my stationary bike, which I do 5 - 6 days a week). That would even be ok with me because I don't have all that much to lose and I can't be very active because of health issues. However, each time I lose around 4 lbs, I then go through 3 weeks or so of not losing. I even go up a pound now and then. It is discouraging but seems to be how my body loses weight when I follow a safe and sane plan. When I get down in the dumps about it, I keep pointing out to myself that the overall trend is downward. So much of this is attitude.

    Best of luck to you. Hang in there!
  • Mismis28
    Mismis28 Posts: 36 Member
    Take out those measurement bands and start tracking something else than just the plain old weight! :) The "general advice" is to lose a "maximum" of 2lbs/week, and damn, you just lost 7 in 3 weeks! Think about that, pace out the loss over the weeks. And maybe you just happened to be really really flushed out last week, and then as you said, the salt made you like a sponge this week? My last advice is to take that frustration and turn it into determination to keep on going, prove that scale wrong!
  • Beana217
    I also had a set back this week with my weight loss. I walked, stayed under my calories, drank at least 6 cups of water a day and I still lost nothing!
    I had a bad day yesterday, but I plan to keep truckin' along.

    Good luck! :smile:
  • Shirotora88
    I think your doing great, it may be the muscle mass or the sodium. I would not worry too much. Keep up the good work and check your weight next week and see the difference.

    I have lost and gained weight and had a hard time losing at times during my journey. It happens but I am living proof that you can still lose the weight after gaining.. I gained up to 5 pounds when I was 245-240 I had a hard time pushing through that wall. Eventually after changing things up exercising differently the weight loss continued. I still have a long way to go but I am now 211 as of last week, I weigh in again on October 2nd

    Best of luck
  • nicailyzee
    nicailyzee Posts: 183 Member
    There are soooo many factors that can contribute to weight gain. If you only focus on the negative you loose sight of all the wonderful things you have already accomplished. Imagine being a woman like me who every single month has these issues due to hormones associated with menstruation (sometimes 2 times per month for me TMI, oh well). Countless other women go through this feeling monthly. I have still lost over 5lbs this month. Disappointment comes with the territory now prove it to yourself that you are stronger than any scale associated disappointment. It will come off if you stay the course. If you give up you will be starting all over again and writing another post one year from now because of a 1.5 lb gain. Let this be the decision to change and change for the long hall. Good luck in your journey you can and will do this!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Like others have said, it's not linear. Weight fluctuates for all kinds of reasons, and sometimes that exaggerates a gain (you might have been on a low day two weeks ago) or masks a loss (you might well have lost a bunch of water weight initially and gained some back hiding the lost fat). That's why only the trend matters.

    I sometimes lose really consistently what the numbers predict I will, but sometimes I'll lose extra one week and less (or be constant or even gain a bit) the next. Given that you had two HUGE weeks to start, my guess is that's what's going on, and it's just a huge drop of water from changing your habits followed by a bit of water retention due to sodium and/or increasing activity.

    I know it's a mindgame with the scale, so a couple of things I did at first was weigh every day (some people get too obsessed about daily changing, but I found this helped me not take any one number too seriously and to see how it could fluctuate) and to focus hard on some non-scale goals in addition to the scale ones. You are already doing this with your activity and focusing on healthy habits, just try and see that as success in itself, even if it doesn't pay off on the scale (which of course it has and will).

    Good luck, it sounds like you are doing really well.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Sounds like the sodium AND most people weigh more after a weekend. I posted on that awhile back and many people responded affirmatively. It can take me until Wednesday to level out.

    A day after increased sodium for me....2 lbs. I am 5'8" and weigh 140.

    Don't be discouraged.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    I'd like to invite you to stop focusing on the scale. The scale is the absolute last thing that happens in this process.

    It's like hearing the news report in June that we're in a recession, even though the news has been reporting for six months that people were getting laid off, reduced to part time, factories were closing, and bankruptcies were climbing.

    The scale is a lagging indicator.

    And, as you and others are pointing out, it seems to have a mind of its own. It responds to sodium, pee, periods, poop, injuries, moods, pain pills, metabolic slowdowns, and even its own inaccuracies.

    Yes, weight loss is about the weight. But success has so many other great leading indicators. Such as:
    "xx Day Streak"
    Miles Walked
    Time Spent in Cardio exercise
    Net Calories

    Draw your encouragement and inspiration from these. You can directly control these. The scale will eventually follow. You can't control the scale.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    "And, as you and others are pointing out, it seems to have a mind of its own. It responds to sodium, pee, periods, poop, injuries, moods, pain pills, metabolic slowdowns, and even its own inaccuracies."

    LOL so true!
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Weight loss takes time and dedication. We've all been disappointed at some time with it. It's important that you realize that you will plateau sooner or later, and you'll have to deal with it. You seem very anxious, sometimes the scale goes up a bit, and then goes down again, so don't panic. It's important to just keep going and eventually the results will be there. I wish you all the best, just don't give up. :smile:
  • wulfax
    wulfax Posts: 93 Member
    First, I want to thank everyone for the kind words and express my gratitude for the encouragement.

    Most of what everyone said is on the same theme in that it is a marathon not a race. I need to keep things in perspective and you have all given me some. I truly appreciate it.

    As ctalimenti stated, after a weekend it is sometimes tough for the weigh-in. I have to admit that I picked Monday for the weigh-in on purpose, it keeps me focused through the weekend because I know that I weigh-in on Monday.

    One other factor that I keep forgetting is how massively unfit i am (how I could forget that I don’t know). I have not really exercised or eaten correctly for over a decade. On top of that, I turn 40 in a month. So the composition of my body has drastically changed and now that I am exercising it is trying to get back to a mean. I just need to recognize that this means week to week I never quite know what is going to happen as my unfit 40 year old body tries to adjust to the new life I have chosen.

    Once again, I appreciate everyone’s encouragement and kinds words!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    have you taken your body measurements with a seamstress measuring tape? Using a weight scale to measure success will leave you feeling depressed more often than not.
  • LeslieTSUK
    LeslieTSUK Posts: 215 Member
    Draw your encouragement and inspiration from these. You can directly control these. The scale will eventually follow. You can't control the scale.
    Mmhmmm, grab it in both hands, open window, say: "Scales, give me a better weight or to the scales hell you go... then throw them anyway lol".

    Yeah it is heart breaking when you try ya best and scales dont show it.
    most I can say is, dont stress yaself out, stress will only make it worse.

    You said your gaining muscle, and muscle weighs twice as much as fat does, and if ya loosing fat in other places thats all that matters.

    Just stick to what ya doing, don't obsess over ya weight loss/gain, and enjoy life.

    The rest will fall into place as you go along
  • donnarene04
    donnarene04 Posts: 2 Member
    The scale is a tool for keeping you on track. It is not able to measure your value as a human being. Use it as a tool for weight loss and overall health, not to determine how you feel about yourself. I know this is the hardest part, and it feels frustrating, but imagine if your best friend in the world called you and told you the same story you just told and was disappointed in himself. What would you say to him to make him feel better about his achievements so far and to keep him on track for the future. Well, be your own best friend, cheerleader and coach. This isn't a linear process, and you will have days when you take one step back in your journey forward. That is ok. Just keep on chug a lugging forward! good luck!