Depression and Weight Loss

Is anyone having trouble losing weight due to their unstable mental health?


  • maoribadger
    maoribadger Posts: 1,837 Member
    I did for 2 years, in that time I gained 6 stone whilst being bounced from AD to AD and psych appt to gp and back again.

    Finally found a combo that works, a hella lotta counselling and Im now losing. Best thing Ive done in 2 years is take my *kitten* to the gym and start lifting. Makes me feel amazing

    Good luck on your journey
  • Georgielee37
    Georgielee37 Posts: 113 Member
    Yes I wish would lose weight when I was down but NO I eat.....Grrrrrrr
  • lindsey1979
    lindsey1979 Posts: 2,395 Member
    For those with depression or anxiety issues in particular, I think it can be very challenging as eating certain things (especially things with fast digesting carbs/sugar and fat -- think sweets and pastries) can have a very specific effect on the brain that helps one with those issues feel better, at least temporarily. Food literally can have a self-medicating effect in this regard.

    The best advice I can give you is to start looking into other coping mechanisms for your depression and/or anxiety -- exercising literally is one of the best for helping get the brain chemistry to even out. Meditation or yoga can also help. Beyond that, speaking with a mental health professional that can give you other non-food based coping strategies and getting to the root of your issues, and addressing those appropriately -- whether with therapy or medication.

    Best of luck!
  • NYfirefighter
    I gained about 7 to 10 pounds this past month due to depression (PTSD related), been through so much that I often end up shutting myself out from the world (and with autism my world isn't that big to start with) and just start eating and don't stop till I'm sick
    Trying to break that cycle is difficult but if you don't have any fysical limitations exercise is a big help for clearing your head
    When I don't have (much) back pain (spinal cord injury) and my knees aren't bugging me I either go for a walk, it doesn't have to be long (for me 15 miles is a short walk but you can do with shorter), do calisthenics or play with dumbbells
    Used to love boxing, running and baseball but those aren't allowed anymore

    Getting to the reason why you get depressed is also very important so a professional might be able to help