Hi... I'm Brandi?



  • faw1001
    faw1001 Posts: 131 Member
    ........ And now I'm doing something else I'd rather not say what because for those of you that don't understand, you're going to give me grief and honestly I've had enough. Just know It's doctor supervised and I've lost 6 pounds. So don't even go there. I know what i'm doing. ......

    Sorry, dying of curiosity here. What are you doing? PM me if you don't want to post it in the message board :)
  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    ........ And now I'm doing something else I'd rather not say what because for those of you that don't understand, you're going to give me grief and honestly I've had enough. Just know It's doctor supervised and I've lost 6 pounds. So don't even go there. I know what i'm doing. ......

    Sorry, dying of curiosity here. What are you doing? PM me if you don't want to post it in the message board :)

    yeah i wanna know too... :happy:
  • jnv7594
    jnv7594 Posts: 983 Member

    I think the point is that you don't need to see food as a "reward." Learn to incorporate chicken strips into your daily goals. Two chicken strips aren't going to ruin your whole day.

    ^^This. Seeing certain foods as off limits or rewards could set you up to fail in the future. You can still have your chicken strips, just work them into your calories if you want them.
  • FliesBiNight
    FliesBiNight Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, My name is Brandy too and I also have PCOS and tried for 10yrs to have a baby. I started using fitbit and myfitnesspal back in 2012 and lost 100lbs. I got pregnant within just a few months of being at a healthy weight. Sadly I gained most of it back during pregnancy and post delivery from poor diet choices then was unable to exercise for 6-8 months after delivery from a broken pelvis (my daughter was almost 10lbs!) But I'm back in the "get healthy" mindset and feeling motivated again. If you have PCOS and really want kids getting your body to a healthy weight may really help, it did for me. I got down to 165 when I got pregnant.... was within 20lbs of my goal (sigh). Determined to get there again. Good luck too you! :happy:
  • i bet it's phentermine!
  • it seems that you have a long way to go.. but i believe you can do it and it's a smart method to divide the goals to several small ones.
  • BrandiStarr87
    BrandiStarr87 Posts: 28 Member
    *sighs*... I didn't mean are my goals bad.. I meant does the goal system help. Lol. I'm not upset or anything about your answers.

    It's not phentermine. I did try that once though, didn't help. Just made me feel... high. Lol.

    And my chicken strips... geez. They aren't off limits FOREVER... they just are for NOW. by the time I get to that point, they'll be okay in moderation. But I gave a limit so that I wouldn't over due it and I'd have a time frame to when I could have them again. It's not even the main thing for that goal... I want the Halloween more.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    *sighs*... I didn't mean are my goals bad.. I meant does the goal system help. Lol. I'm not upset or anything about your answers.

    It's not phentermine. I did try that once though, didn't help. Just made me feel... high. Lol.

    And my chicken strips... geez. They aren't off limits FOREVER... they just are for NOW. by the time I get to that point, they'll be okay in moderation. But I gave a limit so that I wouldn't over due it and I'd have a time frame to when I could have them again. It's not even the main thing for that goal... I want the Halloween more.

    Is it ultra low calories? LIKE UNDER 1200?!?! :PPP
  • Fasttrack2freedom
    Fasttrack2freedom Posts: 122 Member
    Welcome to MFP :) youll love it here.

  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member

    I read everything you wrote.

    I like your no bull**** view of the world

    FR on the way

  • Hi Brandi, Keep up the good work and well get rid of your boyfriend. This makes me furious, your right, he does not deserve you. There is nothing right about what he said. If you weighed much less and gained significant weight that was a issue for your health, then okay, I can understand suggesting - that's right SUGGESTING, that you lose weight. Who gives an ultimatum like that? Shame on him. Obviously, there must be some other issue. It's not the weight. You my girl, are beautiful and the sooner you start acknowledging that the sooner you will become the person you are meant to be. I read once that when a person gains weight it's to protect themselves and their feelings. When you are confident and happy, the weight will drop off, you won't need this cushion of protection. Find out what makes you happy and go for it. You can do it!
  • Carlywiese
    Carlywiese Posts: 51 Member
    I hope at the end of that week-long fight you kicked his *kitten* to the curb. You did, right? Because what you said was true. If he doesn't want you the way you are now, he doesn't deserve to see you the way he wants to see you.

    Do you see how I worded that? I didn't say he didn't deserve to see you skinny, or thin, or after you've lost weight. I said the way HE wants you to be.

    What do YOU want? Do you want to lose weight for yourself? To get healthy? To look and feel better?
    Because that, my dear, is truly all that matters. What YOU want to do, not what anyone else wants you to do, in order to fit into their ideals.

    You do this for you, ok?

    And just to let you in on a little secret, you can still fit in those chicken strips if you really want them. It's all about balance and moderation.

    This one. 100%