New born runner... who is with me?

Hi!! I am not new to the site, but I am rather shy when it comes to posting stuff...I am Italian and my accent is so heavy you can see it in my spelling lol

Anyway I am on a quest to get healthier and lose weight.. I have being down to 150 and now up to 179 (this happened in a little over a year and it was my fault, poor decisions and stress)

3 weeks ago I started jogging, walk/jog rocking some good music, (it actually helps me because I don't think on who is watching me lol) Its like a bubble! But I don't run to fast, I cannot run more than 45 seconds... anyone feeling like this? I jog/walk for 30 mins 5 times a week, intervals.

My goal is to not worry about "winter or summer" to set goals but to make a change, NOW, and I want to run a 5 k too... I want to hear from others in my tennis shoes =)


  • 808Trish808
    808Trish808 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm still a walker. Not ready to start running yet. I think it's ok to start off slowly by walking. Good luck on your goals!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Do you know about Couch to 5k programs? Google it up - sounds like just what you're looking for :)
  • jambondan1
    I love running, it was a game changer for me in my health goals.
  • Jenn316
    I am not a runner, BUT I decided I had to do something , so I signed up to to the turkey Trot on Nov. 23 and on Sept 23 I started "training" I walk 2 minutes run 1 min Tues , Thurs , Sat and Sun of last week and this week I start walking 1 min and running 2 for 30 minutes on those same days....... I don't feel like I am ready to do that yet but I am going to try....... I am supposed to add more running and less walking every week until I hope I can run the 2 miles.... time will tell.....
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    I'll star week 2 of c25k tomorrow! I never thought I could at all...but look at me know, slow, red-faced and panting...but still going!

    ETA: I'd eventually like to do a 5k! Maybe I'll do one next spring.
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I used to run 3+ miles 2-3 times a week then fell off the wagon and out went my workouts as well as running. Since restarting on MFP in Aug I've been wanting to get back with my running. I've been using the C25K app to build my endurance back up. Its great. Last week I was on Week 2 of the program and ended up running the entire time through days 2 & 3. Its a great app. Also, RunKeeper has some coaching on it too.
  • LeonCX
    LeonCX Posts: 862 Member
    Not me, dear. I'm still so heavy, bathing is an aerobic exercise.
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Me too! I just started C25K and I'm on week 3! I love it and I'm addicted to running. Even though some times when I'm running I think I hate it...! I just made it to running for 3 minutes and I'm thrilled! Good luck!
  • yc4king
    yc4king Posts: 117 Member
    The first few weeks are the hardest because it doesn't feel like you can run much, but it will build quickly. You can do the couch to 5 k, it eases you in very slowly. If you're motivated you can advance much quicker than it would have you do (but there is no need if you aren't in a rush). The important thing is to not try and go too fast. Slow and steady...

    I went for my first run ever this june. I could probably only make it about 1k before needing to stop to walk. Ran my first 5k without walking about 2.5-3 weeks later, and a couple weeks after that I was cranking our 5k 3 or 4 times a week.

    Fast forward 3 months to Sept 20 and I ran my first half marathon (21.1k) and finished in just under 2 hours. In 3 months plus about a week I went from never running before in my life to finishing a half marathon in under 2 hours. When I started in June I weighed about 230lbs, and today i'm at 189lbs, for a reference of weight while starting.

    I would say getting to 5k felt the worst, it was grueling. Once I could get past 5k without feeling like I was going to die then progressing from 5k to 10k was not nearly as bad. And finally going from 10k to 21.1k was even easier.

    That's a long way of saying that really when you first start out that's when it is the hardest and feels the worst. Once you get over the initial hump of making it to 5k it really is a lot easier.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    This is a great group for beginner runners:

    I started out with C25K about 18 months ago, unable to run 30 seconds. A couple of weeks ago, I ran almost 9 miles.

    I am a firm believer in the Couch to 5k program!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Great to hear I'm not the only one... I'm on week 4 of C25K, although did complete it once before and got to 30 mins running - can't imagine ever been able to do it again at the moment! I gave up last time and never reached my goal of running a 5K, so have renewed determination this time round. I do feel that I can walk quicker than I 'run' though and don't think I'll ever be able to up the pace to do 5K in 30 mins.
  • BuddhaMom74
    I completed the 8 week C25K app a few weeks ago and have now run 3 straight 5K runs! I still can't believe I'm doing it! I'm running my first 5K race this Sunday and I'm super pumped! I know I'm still a newbie - but running to me is meditative - my mind and body have to work together to achieve success - and that's pretty cool!
    SWEETMAY84 Posts: 66 Member
    Yay everyone! I am actually looking into the C25K and it seems very similar to what I am doing, so far I count milestones (telephone poles) hahahahah Last night I was able to run almost 2 blocks straight, brisk walking and take of running again... I have find out that I need to stop and take a few seconds sometimes, I was a smoker and I am sure that has to do with it! but I am becoming "addicted" to it, I am loving it! SO GLAD i am not the only one starting from scratch~ =D C.