Getting Back On Track Postpartum

4 weeks ago I gave birth to my beautiful son 5 weeks early. After two long weeks with my baby in the NICU, we are home. I am ready to get back to where I was before I got pregnant. Thankfully I did not gain any permanent weight during my pregnancy and lost everything after my little manikins was born. I don't want to let that go to waste by gaining postpartum.

I am breastfeeding though and I don't know how that would effect the calorie range I got when I put my goals into the system. Anyone have any ideas? Also, any tips for how to begin a slow workout regime would be wonderful. I am so glad to be back on these boards and site. Cheers!


  • stepfordexwife
    For now you need to make sure you have your supply under control before you restrict at all. Honestly, I would wait until your baby is 12 weeks (from your original due date so 17 weeks) before rushing into weight loss. Your baby is going to go through a lot of growth spurts in the coming weeks and with a premie it's important that your supply doesn't dip. For the next few weeks log what you eat but don't restrict. See how much you are eating and weigh yourself regularly. There is a good chance you will continue to see steady weight loss for the next few months regardless of restricting as your body acclimates to breastfeeding and no longer being pregnant. Once you know your supply is strong start restricting by 100 calories for a few days, if your supply stays the same drop another 100 calories. Continue to do this until you get to 2000 calories. When you start restricting make sure you drink lots of water. It may seem like a slow progression but it's the safest way to do it. I hope this helps. I've nursed 3 babies and the last one (born Aug 2013) I managed to go from 202 to 165 while my baby was nursing granted I gained over 60lbs while pregnant.