When a mole hill seems like a mountain...

Well, hello.

In the past 6 months, I've gained a bit of weight. Not a huge amount, but all of my pants are fitting tight, and a few I can't even wear - I think it's only about 8 pounds in total, but darn if I don't nearly start crying every time I look in the mirror or pull on a pair of pants.

I'm no stranger to healthy eating and exercise, and love to be outdoors hiking, skiing, and kayaking, but a new job has made me much more sedentary and been a leading factor in the weight gain. But now, that I'm ready to hop on the scale, confront the issue, and do the work, I feel so...yucky, like I just want to hide away in my big fluffy non-judgemental bathrobe and pout.

What do you do when you have a hard time being kind to yourself?


  • cdavis1511
    cdavis1511 Posts: 22 Member
    When I feel yucky on the outside I try to remember the good things on the inside. You always have to find something positive. Stay positive and you'll stay motivated!
  • I like to check out the motivation page @ bodybuilding.com, and on youtube I like seeing people my size make it ya know? I hurt myself [broke a few ribs] on the job about 7 months ago, and was just released medically to get back in the game. I put on some squish, I hate to admit it, but I did. And ya know I find myself avoiding mirrors for long periods of time. But I promise you that you can do this, and the best thing for me, that works pretty damn well is affirmations ALL OVER THE HOUSE. I print out or write Motivation quotes and tape them up ALL OVER!!! Seriously, it helps, and it makes me remember why i started in the first place. Hope that helps
  • libby2208
    libby2208 Posts: 41 Member
    When I feel yucky, I list all the good things I've done in my life. Doesn't matter how big, or small or if others would agree with me, I just keep going until I remember that I am a good person and my actual physical appearance doesn't change that.

    Then I shake it off. Negativity only invites more negativity.

    Smile, you are beautiful :)
  • Jayma375
    Jayma375 Posts: 60 Member
    I think about how good my life is compared to some others. I have a friend who has a metastatic cancer which is pretty much a death sentence. She has been on experimental treatments and she needs to travel across 1/2 the country to receive every 3 weeks. She has 3 young daughters and the oldest is severely mentally disabled. I think of her when I'm having those kind of days......

    Good luck and I hope you find something more positive to motivate you.
  • girlwithcurls2
    girlwithcurls2 Posts: 2,282 Member
    ^ ALL OF THAT.

    You were me 4 weeks ago. Terrible thoughts about myself. Saying terrible things about myself (in front of my daughter, no less) to my husband. AND... started back on track. Now, 4 weeks later, the jeans fit a little better, and I have new resolve because of a tiny bit of success. We are our worst enemies. We need to be our own best friends. Hang in there. You're not the only one. Get up tomorrow and make one good decision. Then make another. Tell yourself that you're going to focus on getting back on track for October. Stay off the scale. Ignore the meany voice on your shoulder. Just do what you need to do. And on Halloween, you should have enough success to propel you forward. You can do this. You know you can!

  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks everyone! I think I will need to read this thread, and more, every day for a month! haah!
  • misswhitney1
    misswhitney1 Posts: 72 Member
    Just following up - 2 weeks in and I'm going strong! Losing weight according to my calorie predictions (4 pounds!), stayed within my allotted calories EVERY DAY, and cooked breakfast, lunch and dinner for all but 3 meals in those weeks.

    Hooray! Thanks for the inspiration!
  • lilyann001
    lilyann001 Posts: 75 Member
    It sounds like the only thing that has changed in your life to cause the weight gain is exercise. Since you are not getting the exercise at work like you used to, you'll need to find it somewhere else. You can pick whatever your favorite way to exercise is and decide the intensity.

    You mentioned how you don't know why you feel yucky and how to stop feeling yucky. It sounds like you beat yourself up a bit from the weight gain. Really, it's about feeling worthy and loving yourself no matter what. Whenever you feel a negative thought such as what you mentioned, (when you are trying on pants that don't fit you, etc.) remember no matter what to love yourself and no negative feelings or mental lashings will make you lose the weight. Replace the negative thoughts with positive thoughts. It's never good to beat yourself up. Love for yourself doesn't come from a scale, it comes from the inside. No matter your weight, always love yourself. Congratulations on deciding for yourself to lose the weight and I wish you luck on your goals!! :smile: