Anyone else here getting INSANE?

So I just pushed play for the first time! The fit test kicked my butt! I would love to hear from anyone else who is just starting insanity for the first time (or anyone who is already insane). Also wondering what to track it as on here since it is not an option on the exercise list, what do yall track it as?


  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    <--- iNSANE HERE!!! lol

    I use a HRM to track the calorie burned because everyone is different on how much they burn.

    I'm on Round 2 Week 4

    technically this will be my third time doing month 1 but after my first round I jumped right into my second round and than had to stop on month 2 week 2 because my shins were hurting too much.

    Once you go Insane no other workout can compare (unless you get another High Intense workout!)
  • luvinlifesst
    What here!
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I just finished my fit test this evening too! completely wore me out but will be looking forward to seeing the results of all the hard work.

    I attemped insanity for the first time about a month ago but had to stop after 8 days as I hurt my back (not related to the dvd) Just decided to start over again once it was better as I hadn't got that far.

    I would recommend getting a HRM, alot more accurate than the cals MFP give you.