Super Discouraged & Depressed



  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I've been on myfitness pal for over a month and have not lost one pound. It's starting to piss me off.

    If you opened your diary and shared a bit of information about yourself (current weight, goal weight, height) I'm sure people would try to help.
  • cassique
    cassique Posts: 164 Member
    Thanks everyone. Immediately a little better.
    I ate healthy mostly anyways, tons of grilled chicken, my fave! and only drank water.
    Its just hard!
    I just have a horrible self image and I want rid of this weight now.
    I feel so disgusting..
    So is the starvation mode thing really false? Because if so I feel like I shouldn't have gained weight back, and also that would kind of be a relief because on this adipex, you really don't have an interest in eating. Like yesterday, I ate a piece of toast, and nothing the rest of the day until around 8 when i forced myself to eat a chicken sandwich from burger king because I read that I needed 1200 or I'd gain. UHH. its so hard!

    A big portion of your initial weightloss was probably water weight and that will come and go. ETA. Also certain days of the week and times of day you will weigh more than others. I weigh the most on Monday's and usually my lowest weight is Thursday. And there can be a 5 pound difference--usually not fat related, but water weight and digestion factors all play into it. Keep your weighing consistant, compare only same time of day same day of week weights to each other--For example, every Monday at 8 am, before breakfast after bathroom. Not daily fluctuations.
  • amydfreund
    You are a SWEET HEART for helping your friend! First know that it takes about 6 weeks for your uterus to involute.. get back to its normal size, plus hormones are flying all over the place readjusting so this is all playing into what your results are along with the fact that since the doctor said "eat anything just don't go over 1200".. we don't really know what you are choosing, so if it is not "balanced" your body may be doing all it can to conserve this or that. Water retention with and after pregnancy is a big thing, also dehydration at the cell level even though the tissues are over hydrated.

    BREATHE like everyone says, give yourself a kiss for being so kind and then turn this kindness to yourself. I think you said something about a medication in your post? If so, check the side effects, all that is happening can be contributed to by this med. Eat a little more, keep your proteins, carbs and fats balanced and know that you have a lot of support here
  • ValleySimTech
    ValleySimTech Posts: 69 Member
    I agree with most of the advice here. Bump up your calories a bit, try some light exercise to balance the increase in calories and stay off the scale for a few days because the daily fluctuations can drive you crazy. Good luck, believe your husband when he says you look great and enjoy what sounds like a great life you have with your 2 children. Stay strong, you will lose the weight.
  • shai74
    shai74 Posts: 512 Member
    Maybe you need to talk to someone. You have very unrealistic expectations and don't seem to deal with the disappointment well. Get your head in the right space before you worry about anything else. Most people don't gain weight overnight, so don't expect to lose it overnight. I weigh a fair bit more than you, and while I've lost 46lbs it's not been a smooth downward. Even the last two weeks I have gained and lost the same 3lbs repeatedly, and I haven't "cheated" or eaten anything different or more than I normally would. Last week I was sick, and ate probably less than 400 cals 3 days in a row, and I gained weight. Go figure.

    Bottom line is, it's going to take time. Some days you'll gain and some days you'll lose. Too bad. As long as the overall trend is going the right way. And eat more. There is no point being crazy strict to lose a heap of weight that you will only put back on again if you "return to normal eating". Eat now how you plan to eat for the rest of your life, not how you plan to eat to lose a heap of weight in a short period of time. That's called yoyo dieting.
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I just sent you a FR so we can talk one on one, but 1000 cals is not near enough unless you're about 4'9 and even then it may not be enough. You did a beautiful thing by being a surrogate so please see that beauty within yourself b/c there are many woman out there who would not go through all of that for a friend.

    Also, take it from someone who has been maintaining her weight loss the whole time you've been alive, weigh in once per week, same time, same circumstance, and NO MORE. Your sanity will thank you for it!
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    Usually Id agree that the initial weight that is lost is water weight, and it all goes down slowly from there... But thats the body under normal circumstances... You just had a baby a month ago, and your body is still going through hormonal and biological changes that sooo do not apply to standard weight loss of someone who didnt just have a baby.

    Based on my experience, and what Ive been able to gather from talking to others is this... If you ate healthy during your pregnancy (and did not "eat for two" or see the world as your buffet during pregnancy) then as your body adjusts back from doing what it needs to do to support another life, you will lose the weight no problem.

    During my pregnancy, even though I ate healthy and kept active, I had gained 60lbs by the time I was in my 9th month. When my mom saw me, she freaked out and when I said it was pregnancy weight, she actually laughed at me and said she can't wait to see my 60lb baby. Anyway, I didnt even try for doing anything until kiddo was a month old, and then after that, I would jsut go for walks with her a couple times a day. Nothing major, super slow casual walks with a stroller. I went back to work a month after that, and at my weigh in, I had lost nearly 50lbs...I lost the last ten, plus some, by the next month.

    Of women Ive talked to who have had babies, those who ate right lost the weight within a few months... The thing to keep in mind, is that after a woman has given birth (given she did not overeat and overindulge during her pregnancy) the extra weight is not fat, they did not get to that weight out of neglect of their diet...they got to that weight because of what the body is naturally doing to sustain and grow new life. Once that part of its job is over, and after some time when it realizes youre not breastfeeding, then it will naturally work to revert back to pre-pregnancy mode, which means shedding of all the fluids, water, additional blood, all of the fun stuff it retains to maintain a pregnancy and nourish a child afterwards, it doesnt need anymore so it gets rid of it.

    So please dont get discouraged or just need to give your body time to just did this whole miraculous thing, your body just went through a 9 month adventure. So give it some time to come off that ride and go back to what it was doing before you got pregnant. If you stress yourself out too much then thats just going to wreck havoc on your already havoc wrecked hormones and make it that much harder. Eat right, stay active, and give nature a fighting chance to do what its supposed to do.

    And I second the reaching through the interwebs to give you hugs!!!