how to get rid of stomach pudge?

I had gallbladder surgery last november. ive lost a lot of weight recently and im almost positive id have a "flatter" stomach is only i could get rid of this fat that hangs down over my belly almost like a muffin top but its not. its like the muscles dont pick it up.
but im scared to gain muscle there because i dont want to have a layer of fat over my "abs". any advice?? anything i can do to hit a particular spot for fat burning? (i also have this issue with my thighs too)


  • FitFitzy331
    FitFitzy331 Posts: 308 Member
    You can't spot treat any part of your body, your best bet is to lift weights and eat at a deficit. Everyone holds their extra fat in different places, it sounds like yours is in your stomach and legs, lowering your overall body fat is the only way to flatten your stomach and slim out your thighs
  • Plooty222
    Plooty222 Posts: 76 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss! I will try to be a helpful reply-er :) While this hasn't happened to me, I think it has to do with losing weight quickly. One of my friends on mfp posted about something similar. She didn't do a quick fix, but she has seen a decrease in these areas by toning and fat-blasting cardio. This is more considered "spot reduction" not spot elimination. Body fat does come into play, but at your weight I think it's likely just being diligent with those exercises.

    Hope this helps!