Must fit into my Bridesmaid dress!


I'm new to Fitness Pal and I'm hoping this will help me drop a dress size so I fit into my bridesmaid dresses for two weddings this summer.

I managed to lose weight 6 years ago, I dropped from 224 pounds to 157 of which I have managed to keep most of this weight off until last year, which was a tough one personally. I'm now 171 pounds and need to do my best to get back down to my average weight and ideally lose just a wee bit more.

I would like to add a few friends so we can encourage each other, this was what really helped me lose weight in the passed at ww.
So feel free to add me and I look forward to losing weight with you!!



  • FrankyOsage
    That is the exact same motivation I had coming on here a year ago (man these dresses are getting expensive)!! I was able to lose for the dress but then put it right back on save 5 measly pounds by the end of the year. This year is the year I do it for me! I wish you lots of luck!! Feel free to add me!
  • shnnd19
    shnnd19 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm in the same boat I'm in my counsin's wedding in May & all of the bride maids are like a size 2. I really would like to be down to 170 by May..... Good luck:)
  • jchecks
    jchecks Posts: 133
    Me too!!! I just got asked this past weekend to be in my friends wedding this I want to tone up and just get into better shape. But I have to say that I dont want to only think of my weight loss for that one day...I am really hoping to build a healthy foundation!! and for that...the more support the better!!!