Looking for Incentive!!!!

I do not have a tremendous amount of weight to lose, but on my 5'3" frame, 18 pounds feels like it might as well be 180 pounds. Yo-Yo-Yo dieter of all time, now in my forties, have been trying to lose "just 10 pounds" on and off for 6 years, and never successfully. Now the holiday's have passed and I've ignored everything, it's now 18 pounds. I hope this site provides some incentive to keep at it to at least reach my goal (we'll talk about maintenance later!). My biggest problem is remembering to track everything, and exercise (uuuggghhh). Okay, enough complaining. Glad I found this website. Wish us all luck!



  • twistygirl
    twistygirl Posts: 517 Member
    How about this for an incentive. it will triple around 45 if you don't do something about it now.
  • Pinkyandthebrain
    Hello! I am not in my forties, but my twenties. I just had a baby seven months ago, and I still have ten pounds to go before I get back to the weight I was before pregnancy. it is so discouraging sometimes because even then I wanted to loose more weight. i will say this though, I think this sight is great. I think it is better than any other diet plan that you have to pay for, and it just proves that caloies do matter and eating less and moving more is the key. I have faith that we all can do this. We just have to take a good long look at ourselves, and what we want from this. I don't want to be a super model. I just want to be the best me possible. I think once we set realistic goals for ourselves, than the unattainable can be attainable. Don't beat yourself up if you have a bad day. Get back on the next day, or even the same day you did so bad. Know that you only have this one life, and make it the best life you can. Don't compare yourself to others, and everyday look in the mirror and say something good about yourself. You wouldn't keep a friend who told you that you looked fat everyday, or someone who told you not to eat something. You have to be your own best friend in this battle, so encourage yourself everyday. Move everyday, and go to bed knowing you did the best you could do. That's all that matters.

    Before you eat something ask yourself why you are eating it, and while you are eating, ask yourself if you are stll hungry. Don't eat it all because it is there. If you ever find that your emotions are causing you to eat something stop immediatly and do something else. Anything else. Clean, go for a walk, write an email, anything to get your mind off the food. Food is not your friend and it is not your enemy. You are your own enemy, and you have to power to change you.
  • PAnn1
    PAnn1 Posts: 530 Member
    Twisty has a good point. The older we get the harder it is to lose weight for so many of us, but it can be done with determination and support. There are a very good bunch of people here who will help you, through daily support and fantastic encouragement! I did it and know it is do-able. I'm 56 years old and was overweight for 20 years prior to reaching goal (82# loss) . I went from a size 18-20 to a 4. I walk alot and log all of my foods pretty faithfully. I guess it's all in how much you really want to get healthy. I was on blood pressure pills for 15 years and one goal was to get off of them, and I have! Best wishes for much success :-)