New to forum...

Hi Everyone!

I would like to lose about 55 to 60 pounds. One problem is exercise. I have several autoimmune diseases, one of them is Myasthenia Gravis, a muscle disease, making exercise a lot tougher. With this condition, the more you move, the weaker you get. I create antibodies while exercising (just moving for that matter) that block the communication between the nerves and the muscle called the neuromuscular junction. As the antibodies increase, the body gets weaker. So I attempt to do things like walk for a few minutes, or dance for a few minutes, but then I crash from muscle exhaustion. After I get some rest and the antibodies decrease, I can do things again. It's a vicious cycle.

I was on very high dose steroids for several years and put the extra weight on. Doctors assured me that when I could get off of them, the weight would start to fall off. Well, that may be true for someone who can exercise, but for me, it didn't happen. In fact, I gained more. I'm sure much of it was from bad habits, as when you are on high dose steroids, you feel like you are starving all of the time. For the most part, I don't really eat that much, but with not exercising, I'm know I'm not burning either.

I eat a very healthy breakfast of 3/4 -1 cup greek yogurt, 1/4 c. raspberries and a 1/3 c. granola and a cup of coffee with a splash of 1 % milk. Since I usually sleep til 9 or 10, that's breakfast and lunch. Sometimes I split that up and have the granola an hour or so later which would be closer to lunch. Around 2 or 3 pm I usually have a little snack. An apple, banana, cookie or half of a sandwich. I have a well balanced meal for supper of chickern, beef or fish, vegetable, a carb like a roll or potato and a glass of milk. I know I don't drink enough water during the day. The worst time of day for me is night. I like to have a dessert, or yogurt. I fall for the sweet stuff after supper. It's like a palette cleanser for me. I should probably just try brushing my teeth early or chewing gum. Not sure if that would help. I should give it a try. I come from a line of good cooks and sweet lovers! lol I'd like to think I'm a good cook, but I definitely took on being a sweet lover. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of raw vegetables.

My second oldest daughter is getting married in May and I would like to make an attempt at getting some weight off for that, so I have a goal, but also for my health in general. Diabetes runs strong in my family and I don't need another health complication in my life.

I look forward to getting to know all of you. :smile:


  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome to MFP. You are in the right place. It has helped me lose 56 pounds in the past 6 months. I have been a yo you dieter in the past, but this time, I have decided it is a lifestyle change, not a diet. Good luck on your weight loss journey. I know you will love it here too! Feel free to add me as a friend, we can help motivate each other!