Weightlifting soreness

Hello everyone,

Just a quick question i started a new weightlifting regime yesterday and I noticed that after i had finished my arms would not properly straighten when relaxed, i can straighten them on my own with ease but as soon as i relax them are slightly 'bent' at the elbows, got a lot of soreness now in one of the elbows but both are still slightly bent.

I know the soreness is normal (although i think i may have overdone it) but is it normal that when in a relaxed position my arms are not straight?

Hope this makes sense!



  • Daphnerose86
    Daphnerose86 Posts: 77 Member
    Assuming I am on the same wavelength, yes it's okay if you arms are not straight when they are relaxed. If you try to straighten your arms, locking your elbows and they wont straighten all the way that would be a problem. Your muscles should be sore after lifting, usually a little weak too. As long as it's a dull ache and not sharp like you might have tore something, it's okay. Your muscles are just tired from the work out- which is what you want!

    But it's always good to be cautious since it's super easy to overdue it and hurt yourself when using weights. Good luck!!
  • A_J_Memphis
    A_J_Memphis Posts: 11 Member
    Thats great, i must admit i thought it would probably be okay, they just bent at the elbow a bit and was slightly concerned that i had done something wrong, and as always you have those mates who say 'oh they'll be like that forever' lol

    Its just more of like a bruised feeling, doesn't stop me doing anything lol :)
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    General rule of thumb...if it hurts suddenly while you are working out...stop, that is an injury. If you are sore afterwards, this is normal. When starting or adjusting a lifting routine a day or 2 after you lift you may become extremely sore. This is called DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness).

    Try to add stretching to your routine, it can help with the tightness. You sound fine though, you may be even more sore tomorrow.... Just giving warning.