Nobody told me there'd be days like these...

LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
When it rains, it pours! Actually, the sunshine was about the only thing that went right today.

****Warning: if you're eating or easily offended by bodily functions, you might want to skip this post****

Woke up hearing one of my cats, River, scratching at the litterbox in the next room for what seemed like a really, really long time. Then she jumped on my chest. Gorgeous little thing. Long haired pastel tortie. And still smelling of poop. Bleah. Might as well get up. Let the dog out, went to the bathroom myself, put my contacts in and River jumped up on the toilet seat by the sink. Still stinky. I checked "under the hood," and she had a major mess going on back there.

First thing in the morning, empty stomach, belly growling, and I'm cleaning clumps and smears of poo off a wiggly psycho-ninja kitty's bottom. I worked as a vet tech for about 5 years, and normally have a cast iron stomach, but my gag reflex was going into overdrive.

Alright. Finally got River as clean as I can without giving her a full bath, because I'd likely need help for that and my husband was still sleeping. Washed my hands about a dozen times. Turned on the computer and had breakfast. A spinach & garlic bagel. I love bagels, and when I had jaw (TMJ) problems years ago I couldn't eat them, so I will not give them up. Halfway through eating, I heard a *CRUNCH!* I thought, "What the hell?" and thought maybe there was eggshell or something in it. Kept eating. After finishing, I noticed my mouth felt funny. Checked in the mirror and I'D BROKEN A FRICKIN' MOLAR! ARG!!! It doesn't hurt, at least, so it's not a dental emergency. It just feels awkward, which scares me because then my tongue will want to feel around it all the time and it might set my weird jaw off.

Husband wakes up, and I remind him I have to take my car to get inspected and an oil change. And *hint, hint* while we're out, why not go with me to the gym! It's the first Monday of the month, that's Pizza Day at Planet Fitness! He grudgingly agrees to go. We drop off my car, take his to the gym and ... NO PIZZA! :(

It's crowded, because it's near lunch time and people haven't given up their New Year's Resolutions. There's only two treadmills near each other. And the earphone jacks on neither work. We brought our earbuds for nothing. We have to "read" the tvs. And most of the closed captioning isn't working, either. Not that there's anything on. Just soaps and Food Network. Who thought Food Network was a good choice to have on at a gym?!

When we finish, we're STARVING, since we were expecting to get a "free lunch" out of Pizza Day. So we go to the Chinese Buffet across the avenue. Totally defeating the purpose of going to the gym, but they have SUSHI. I am not one to turn down sushi!

We get home and the garage calls. There's something wrong with the brakes and some other minor things on my car. Won't pass inspection without repairs. To the tune of $400. :grumble: They call back ten minutes later. There's something else wrong. Add another $100. :explode: And it won't be ready until tomorrow, so either I have to drive my husband to work, and I hate driving his car, or I'll be stranded at home all day. At this point, I think being stranded might be good. At least I won't do anything that'll cost money.

After that, I still had to wash psycho-ninja kitty River's backside. Thankfully, she wasn't bad. She was squirmy, but not bitey or slashy. I think I ended up more soaked at the end of it all than she was. And there's still the matter of handling poop. I'm out of rubber gloves. Washed my hands a few dozen more times....

So that leaves me here. Almost 8pm and thinking I'd be better off just going to bed and putting this day behind me. I have 300 calories left. Debating between a couple glasses of wine, or some cookies and milk. I think the cookies and milk will win. I need some comfort food after today.

But the day wasn't a total loss. I had sushi. :smile: And I have depression and anxiety. Take meds for both. Before I started exercising, a day half as bad as today would've left me a blubbering mess. I'm ok. I'm frustrated. I'm worried about what bills I'm going to have to pay late to pay for my car. I'm hoping River doesn't have another explosive mess tomorrow. I'm nervous about getting my tooth fixed, because dental stuff always freaks me out. But I'm ok. I'm laughing at it all. I'm not overly agitated and stabby feeling, or sad and weepy.

Endorphins rock! :tongue:


  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    We have all had days like that, lol. I can tell you one thing....we had three dogs in heat at the same time about 6 months ago. It was horrible. They would help each other out of the doggie diapers. spots of blood up off the floor, it was a full time job. One dog is mine, on is my in-laws, and the other is my sis-in-laws. 9 dogs in this house at the's a kennel.
  • what a monday! I have to say you are a better person than I am because you still went to the gym! I think I wouldve given in halfway through and crawled in bed! So good for you! Have your cookies and milk if you need them and I hope tomorrow is better!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    2011 is really starting to get to me. :explode:

    I got my car back last night. It ended up being ANOTHER hundred over the quoted price. About the cost of three car payments.

    And today... all set to go to the gym after being cooped up all day yesterday, feeling great, and the battery is 100% stone cold dead. I don't know if they switched my overhead lights on when I had it inspected (I keep them set to go out automatically, so I never think about it) and that drained the battery, or if Karma just really really hates me for some reason and decided to kill my battery completely out of the blue. If so, that's another hundred bucks down the drain.

    Guess I'll have to further postpone going to the dentist to get this broken tooth fixed.

    Can someone wake me when it's 2012? At this point, I don't care if the world ends then!!! :laugh:
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    2011 is really starting to get to me. :explode:

    I got my car back last night. It ended up being ANOTHER hundred over the quoted price. About the cost of three car payments.

    And today... all set to go to the gym after being cooped up all day yesterday, feeling great, and the battery is 100% stone cold dead. I don't know if they switched my overhead lights on when I had it inspected (I keep them set to go out automatically, so I never think about it) and that drained the battery, or if Karma just really really hates me for some reason and decided to kill my battery completely out of the blue. If so, that's another hundred bucks down the drain.

    Guess I'll have to further postpone going to the dentist to get this broken tooth fixed.

    Can someone wake me when it's 2012? At this point, I don't care if the world ends then!!! :laugh:

    I am so sorry....if it weren't for bad luck I wouldn't have any...and it seems that you're in the same boat. Yep...I'd like 2012 to be here too, lol.
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