first real try since baby

lovemix Posts: 4
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
im stacey,my daughter is almost 5 months old.. and i've said i was gonna work on losing the weight...i started and fell off the wagon multiple...yes..just in 5 i made the decision the last week of decemeber to really do this...not just for me..but for my daughter...i want her to grow up seeing her mom living healthy, and for my husband, who has always supported me as i go up and down.. i know he says i look good..but i still dont feel like i marks week 1.


  • tnj2008
    tnj2008 Posts: 3 Member
    welcome! this site helped me A LOT after I had my daughter last year! Good luck :)
  • thank you
  • welcome, I am also in the same boat. trying to lose 30 pounds after having my daughter almost 2 years ago
  • Hi!
    I am in the same boat. I had my first son then I found out I was pregnant again right after. My boys are 10 1/2 months apart and the youngest just turned 4 months on the 31st. The end of December I made the same decision to get all this weight off, my husband is supportive and thinks I am just fine, but I do not feel comfortable at all. I wish you the best of luck and congradulations on the baby girl!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Welcome! I'm here doing exactly the same thing for the very same reasons!
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