Should I do sit-ups and other core exercises everyday?

So I started working out regularly about 3 weeks ago - I run for 30+ mins on MWF and do focus on strength training (with mild cardio of 10+ mins) on TTh. I do some sit-ups and a few other floor exercises on my strength training days....

I haven't seen any results yet, and yes - I know it's early, but I was wondering if I should do sit-ups, etc everyday? Are there any other changes that you would recommend?

Thank you for your feedback!!


  • noor_v
    noor_v Posts: 133 Member
    No replies?????

    :noway: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    What's the goal?

    You will develop your abdominal muscles but that alone won't give you a 6 pack and it won't make your stomach smaller. Overdeveloped abs can even make you look fatter.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    Sit ups pthhhht! Actually not a very good exercise. If you are looking for exercises to do that don't involve weights try planks and push ups (not from your knees). OR check out a weight training program - you'll be glad you did.
  • slacker80
    slacker80 Posts: 235 Member
    sit ups are fine. Great basic routine for tone and core strength. There is absolutely no type of exercise that targets fat in specific areas is what was meant above. I would rate it at a 5 out of 10 for effectiveness. it is ideal for starting out and once your beyond the soreness after a two weeks or so than you can began to change it up a little. add in crunches, russian twist, lying leg raises, bicycles while crunching and elbows tagging your opposing knees, etc etc.

    you should youtube some do at home ab routines. I like to activate my abs 5-6 days a week between sets. general light stuff, but on leg days I add weight and become a little bit more complex to really feel the contractions 110%

    So yes work them often and as much as you'd like as it will help build a strong core. Also getting into unilateral movements will help build serious core strength. This type of technique involves pushing or pulling weight one side at a time forcing your core to tighten for balance and stability.

    I know for men the average body fat % before having noticeable abs is 12-13% and lower obviously. I would imagine that for women it may start around 21- 22%

    You're doing great with the running. Keep it up! but definitely get at least 3 days as well of motivated weight / stregnth training and your metabolisim will sky rocket. just feed it with good fuel.

    Good luck, and feel free to "ADD"
  • NO
    Unless you're in boot or other military training don't do it every day

    Your body needs recovery time
    So don't work the same muscle groups every day
    Which is why workouts are often either split in upper and lower body days or 3 times a week when doing full body workouts
    That way the muscles can repair themselves and grow stronger
    Working the same muscle groups every day for an extended amound of time plus perhaps increasing reps (and when using machines/weights) weight can and often will result in damaging the muscles instead of strengtening them
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Nothing wrong with a bit of core work daily. Just dont go killing them each time. I like incorporating a lot of static holds into my routine that I can vary thru with a few basic ones that are staples.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I do core work 6 days per week, but not sit-ups or crunches...those are pretty much a waste of precious time. I wouldn't bother with sit-ups unless you're required to do them for military training or something...both of those exercises are really hard on the back and don't actually work the core that well at all.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    When I've been able to work out 6 days a week, I've done some kind of core work every day (not necessarily sit-ups). After all, many people do yoga or pilates every day, which tone the core. Even push-ups and planks, which are considered "upper body" tone the core. Anyway, I've never had any pain or ill effects, except for one sadistic instructor who made sure we did 200 crunches every time we did her class, which was abuse, in my opinion -- the kind of work-out that leads to poor form and injury.