
As I posted in another thread I realized I'd said something that I hadn't really thought of.

"...I've only been here for about a week now haven't done my follow-up weigh in for progress tracking yet. Maybe I'm avoiding it come to think of it because it seems every time I 'see' progress via some weight loss it's straight to snack/junk food. "

So, I seem to self sabotage every time I see progress on the scale, be it a bag of life-savers, or a family size chocolate bar, pizza, something it's just easy to "oh I lost weight I can have something" then it's beyond where I started. Why I'm 15 lbs more than when I worked with a nutritionist 18 months ago was my last appointment so a pound a month in the wrong direction but i'm sure it came at a faster rate than that. Any suggestions how to defeat the sabotage?


  • mikkifink
    I do the same thing. Instead of thinking "Oh, I lost weight I can have something" try to say instead, "Oh, I lost weight and it feels good. I want to lose more." I just try to think about how crappy I'm gonna feel when all the progress I made is gone and I gained more just because I thought "I can have something".
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 644 Member
    Oh my gosh me too!! I hope someone gives us some good advise sorry I couldnt help :(
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 644 Member
    Oh my gosh me too!! I hope someone gives us some good advise sorry I couldnt help :(
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It helps to have lots of mini goals. Give yourself a non-food reward when you reach a goal. Get something small for every 5 or 10 pounds you lose. A new pair of jeans, a movie date, a haircut, etc...
  • sugarbeans
    sugarbeans Posts: 676 Member
    I used to do the same thing and then wonder why my weight hasn't changed or why it went up and then I go oh yeah had that candy, or went out for dinner and had my daily intake of calories in one sitting. It's tough cause temptation is everywhere, commercials, visiting loved ones and out comes goodies and what not.
    Key is moderation... and starting off slowly.
    I tried to keep temptation out of the house but realized when I did go to my parents house where it was readily available that I wouldn't just have one I would have a handful and what not cause I knew once I was home that I wouldnt have it around again. So I decided to keep thinsation around the house and if I craved something sweet or baking I would at least have something to fix the craving and I felt good cause I knew it was a 100calories as opposed to something much higher.

    Now I rarely crave sweets and when I do I can control the amount I have... I now allow myself to have half a chocolate bar or chocolate almonds (not more than 10) now that I'm also on Myfitnesspal I am way more accountable for my actions. If I want something and I'm already at my Caloric intake I know I have to go for a walk or do something active to make room. Depending on the time of day and how many jobs I worked that day I will weigh out the pros and cons of that temptation..

    Hope this helps.
  • BrentGetsFit
    BrentGetsFit Posts: 878 Member
    Just keep logging EVERYTHING you eat. Especially on the days you "cheat". Those sorts of wake-up calls are hard to ignore, especially when that little blurb at the bottom of the screen tells you that you'll weigh more in 5 weeks rather than less. It's easy to let things slide but that's how we get in trouble. Be diligent and honest in your logging and that will help keep you on the right track. Good luck :)