Is my daily meal plan good?

Hey there, first post here :P

so i've always wanted to know if my daily meals are any good, so here it is:

i always wake up at around 1 p.m thus not eating breakfast;

at lunch i usually eat a little portion of carbs like half to 3/4 cup of brown rice or whole grain spaghetti, protein (i.e: salmon, turkey, chicken) and then all the vegetables i can get my hands on, boiled spinach, salads, etc;

for an afternoon meal i usually eat a low fat yogurt with banana and other fruits and home made granola;

at dinner i eat the same as lunch (maybe reducing carbs a little);

and usually at 2 a.m (i go to sleep at 4.30 a.m) i eat something like 2 cups of grapes and a banana, or apple, or even another low fat yogurt with jello.

all in all, i RARELY touch fast foods and processed foods or even junk food all together, I've really learned to appreciate real food! instead of crappy junk food, even though i do eat like 2 ice creams a month or like a pizza in my birthday.

So, there it is, any tips will be appreciated


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    sweetie, you're too young to be here- try spark teens
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    Hi there. Quantity and context are important here. What are your goals? Are you trying to lose, maintain, or bulk? How much of these foods are you eating? Does this meal plan fulfill your calorie and nutrition goals?
  • 12whilson
    sweetie, you're too young to be here- try spark teens

    Their profile says they are 18.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    sweetie, you're too young to be here- try spark teens

    Their profile says they are 18.

    Of course, because it said 17 when the OP first posted this (I remember looking at it and was going to say the same thing)
  • cottony
    cottony Posts: 109 Member
    sweetie, you're too young to be here- try spark teens

    Since when this site is about age?
    it's ''MY FITNESS PAL''
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    sweetie, you're too young to be here- try spark teens

    Since when this site is about age?
    it's ''MY FITNESS PAL''

    Because teens/kids have different nutritional needs than adults. Also, I believe the ToS state you have to be 18+ to use MFP.
  • cottony
    cottony Posts: 109 Member
    I would recommend you to NOT skip the breakfast,if you do it pretty much ruins a lot of your ''diet''.
    And for a male your diet is not enough.
    Just re-think how you can change it,i am not a nutritionist but trust me,breakfast changes the whole ''being healthy'' idea.
  • kimnsc
    kimnsc Posts: 560 Member
    sweetie, you're too young to be here- try spark teens

    Since when this site is about age?
    it's ''MY FITNESS PAL''

    People under the age of 18 have different nutritional needs and spark teen is geared toward the younger user. Also, the ToS says that you have to be 18.

    OP....Good luck
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I would recommend you to NOT skip the breakfast,if you do it pretty much ruins a lot of your ''diet''.
    And for a male your diet is not enough.
    Just re-think how you can change it,i am not a nutritionist but trust me,breakfast changes the whole ''being healthy'' idea.

    Eating breakfast is a personal preference. Many people don't feel they can eat until after noon. If they're still under their calorie goal, it doesn't matter how many meals or when they eat.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    How can you skip breakfast? It's physically impossible unless you just never eat again. The clue's in the name, 'break' 'fast', it's your first meal at the end of a period of fasting regardless of what time you have it.
  • cottony
    cottony Posts: 109 Member
    sweetie, you're too young to be here- try spark teens

    Since when this site is about age?
    it's ''MY FITNESS PAL''

    Because teens/kids have different nutritional needs than adults. Also, I believe the ToS state you have to be 18+ to use MFP.

    Yes i understand,but what can other teens give as an good advice?maybe that's why he came here to get answers from people in 20s;30s and up,to learn from mistakes because they have been teens and went through stuff. He just asked if his eating is proper. So we should just give an opinion about that matter.
  • FemWeight
    I would recommend you to NOT skip the breakfast,if you do it pretty much ruins a lot of your ''diet''.
    And for a male your diet is not enough.
    Just re-think how you can change it,i am not a nutritionist but trust me,breakfast changes the whole ''being healthy'' idea.

    There have been a lot of people who do not eat breakfast and it doesn't ruin their diet.. Just saying :)

    However, a active adult male needs to eat no lower than 1500 calories unless under guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.

    Its not just about eating healthy its about getting the right amount of calories for your body . Good Luck! :smile:
  • cottony
    cottony Posts: 109 Member
    I would recommend you to NOT skip the breakfast,if you do it pretty much ruins a lot of your ''diet''.
    And for a male your diet is not enough.
    Just re-think how you can change it,i am not a nutritionist but trust me,breakfast changes the whole ''being healthy'' idea.

    Eating breakfast is a personal preference. Many people don't feel they can eat until after noon. If they're still under their calorie goal, it doesn't matter how many meals or when they eat.

    True that it is hard to eat early if you aren't used to it and it leads to very late night eating which is not good.

    But if you step over and try a few times,you get familiar and realize that breakfast is not that bad and for example 9AM is not that early.
  • Healthy_Hunnie
    Healthy_Hunnie Posts: 60 Member
    Based off your post.. It looks like you are taking in ALOT of sugar from fruit, you may want to cut that back and swtich over to more veggies and it doesnt seem like you could be getting enough protein in your day.

    As for the people saying he needs to eat breakfast..his lunch IS his breakfast, he states he isnt waking up until 1:30pm - Question for OP..why is your sleep schedule irregular? If its work related thats understandable, but otherwise you may want to work on getting on a 7am-10/11pm kind of schedule.
  • cottony
    cottony Posts: 109 Member
    I would recommend you to NOT skip the breakfast,if you do it pretty much ruins a lot of your ''diet''.
    And for a male your diet is not enough.
    Just re-think how you can change it,i am not a nutritionist but trust me,breakfast changes the whole ''being healthy'' idea.

    There have been a lot of people who do not eat breakfast and it doesn't ruin their diet.. Just saying :)

    However, a active adult male needs to eat no lower than 1500 calories unless under guidance of a doctor or nutritionist.

    Its not just about eating healthy its about getting the right amount of calories for your body . Good Luck! :smile:

    I know I know that breakfast skipping doesn't kill you,but as i understand he is going sleep very late and eats at 2am.
    That's what i am talking about,getting up earlier.
  • lamps1303
    lamps1303 Posts: 432 Member
    How can you skip breakfast? It's physically impossible unless you just never eat again. The clue's in the name, 'break' 'fast', it's your first meal at the end of a period of fasting regardless of what time you have it.

    Haha this!

    My breakfast is usually around 1pm (and I get up anywhere between 5.30am-7am, not 1pm!!)
  • FemWeight
    He might not be able to wake up early enough ? I am not sure why his schedule is like it is lol He might need to elaborate on that so we can give him a better example , no?

    I just say this since I've worked at jobs where I was unable to go to bed till 2am :smile:
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    You can eat whatever you like and whenever you like as long as you watch your portion. That 'home made granola' alone could be 600 calories if you're not careful.