New Member

Hello my name is Sandra and I am new today to this site! I know this works because two of my daughters are successful members! Looking forward to calling my journey a SUCCESS!


  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Welcome to My Fitness Pal beautiful Sandra who I am PROUD to call my mommy! You'll do great here. The message boards (especially the success forum) keep me going day in and day out- especially when I feel like giving up and binging. Make new friends here- everyone is so supportive!!!
  • coog81855
    Thanks baby girl! I will need your suppport for this! Thought I would start out with 1500 cal/day and as my stomach shrinks then I will decrease the calories until i get to 1200/day! What do you think of that idea?
  • Buttsmom
    Buttsmom Posts: 351 Member
    Welcome, I wish you the best of luck on your journey!!!
  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    Welcome to you:) Please feel free to add me if you would like!
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    Did you let MFP set your goals? It is pretty right on for setting your cal intake based on how much you want to lose and how long you'd like to take to get there (i.e. 1 lb a week or 2 lb a week) etc. Do whatever you think is attainable for you. As long as you are running a deficit (i.e. taking in less than you burn just by being alive (bmr) plus your physical activity (even cleaning counts!) then you will lose! Sometimes I like to change it up a bit and maybe try eating 1700 a day, then 1300, then 1500... that way you have some variety in case you want to/need to eat something additional or with higher calories... it averages out to be the same 1500 cal a day and your weekly deficit should be the same. Don't try to do a complete 180 overnight... it took me a while to figure out how to eat and get full and not feel like I was restricting myself. I went over a lot in the beginning and I allowed myself to do that... that's why I stuck to it. If I went over- no biggie- I could see what did it, make some changes next time, and keep going. If you want a piece of chocolate cake- eat it. Don't restrict yourself or you will resent what you're doing. Slowly you'll see- wow- that little bit of whatever had x amount of calories and I know that I can eat a huge bowl of y for that many calories and it will fill me up! You'll start making different choices. Crazy how it happens really. It becomes a things of wanting to do it and not being "made to" because you're on some sort of diet. That's how it becomes habit.

    So- my #1 advice to anyone getting started is...
    Allow yourself to fall down. It's ok to go over your daily goals... it doesn't mean you're a failure. It is a learning process that TAKES TIME to figure out. Allow yourself that time to figure it out. Come to the success forum every day you're struggling. I still go everyday and it has given me the motivation to keep going 1 more day- and 1 more day has added up to 5 months so far!