So excited!

GonnaDoIt Posts: 36 Member
Hey everyone. I am down 4 lbs all because of this site. My husband loves it too and he has lost 6 lbs too. We are so excited about the way this site works. Even with only 4 lbs off of me, I can tell my clothes fit a little better and I feel better. It is getting hot here and it is not bothering me like it has in the past. I am so glad I found this site!!!! Everyone, have a great weekend!!!!

Created by - Free Calorie Counter


  • GonnaDoIt
    GonnaDoIt Posts: 36 Member
    Hey everyone. I am down 4 lbs all because of this site. My husband loves it too and he has lost 6 lbs too. We are so excited about the way this site works. Even with only 4 lbs off of me, I can tell my clothes fit a little better and I feel better. It is getting hot here and it is not bothering me like it has in the past. I am so glad I found this site!!!! Everyone, have a great weekend!!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • CrystalBella
    CrystalBella Posts: 848 Member
    yep this site is the bestest!
    Mike is so wonderful for making it and letting us join in!

    Good Job! for you and ya hubby! lol

    and that lil girl you have is beautiful.. someday I hope God gives me a girl! lol
  • GonnaDoIt
    GonnaDoIt Posts: 36 Member
    thanks for the compliments. your son is a cutie too!!
  • fynendandi1
    fynendandi1 Posts: 122 Member
    Yes this it is great, I find it to be the secret to my success. I have only lost 6 pounds but I have not cheated at all and I owe it all to the fact that I feel like I am being held accountable for my eating habits through the other wonderful people on this site. Great work, keep it up!!:drinker:
  • GonnaDoIt
    GonnaDoIt Posts: 36 Member
    thanks! I really make better choices on my food during the day.....It just makes me think about everything I eat. 6 lbs is great! I bet you are feeling better now too......
  • laureneva
    laureneva Posts: 372 Member
    congrats to both of yous!!!
    keep up the good work