"Light" Exercise



  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    there is moderate exercise and vigorous exercise, it is recommended that we get 30 minutes of vigorous and keep moving the rest of the day. All exercise counts and some just dont work you like others.

    As far as the knees and bike issue, are you doing the upright bike or the recumbant which is the one where your feet push out in front of you? Either way you need to make sure your bike seat is high enough that your knees are not getting over stressed. Think of doing squats and how it is stressed not to let your knee go past your toes well the same applies to biking.

    I would highly recommend seeking one of the trainers at your gym and ask for advice on how to set your bike seat position, also the spin bikes are great bikes, they mimic real bikes the best allowing adjustments on the seat and handle bars allowing for up down and back and forth so you fit your body correctly. You are doing something wrong if you can do step but the bike causes problems.