Hoping this works out

I just bought Jullian Micheals (trainer from the biggest loser) 30 day shred. Trying it out with a girlfriend. Hoping it works. I'm going to try it in the morning after m y wii fit work out. Fingers crossed.


  • cassharnish17
    I started the shred on the first, I am also on the treadmill for thirty mins after...I am hoping for some good results. I made my husband hide the scale so u would not look everyday. All I know is everything is sore right now!!! How are you doing?
  • skinnyclothes
    I haven't tried it yet just bought it tonight gonna try it first thing in the morning. A friend of mine just started it as well and she said she is sore and its a work out lol. I've been doing my wii fit so far since starting back dieting. I also am going to be doing 2 weeks of boot camp once holiday stuff slows down over here for me I'm so ready for a change!