2011 is here and it's time to get into shape!

Just started the program as I had promised myself I would as of the first of this year....and this is the first real diet I've tried. Any pointers on breaking those random snacking habits; the McDonald's down the street tends to plague my mind every now and then? Lol.


  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Give yourself a general food plan to follow- pack your lunch ahead of time, know what you want for dinner and then just have McD's and what not when you actually want them, not just cuz you cant think of what to eat or don't have time to cook.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    At McDonalds, you can downsize -- like ordering a hamburger instead of one of those mammoth sandwiches they offer. If you want a fry, get a small instead of a large .... that's a good way to start eating healthier. You can watch portions instead of eliminating completely.

    As far as snacking, it's good to have healthy alternatives so you're not as tempted to eat the bad stuff. I keep almonds around the house and always bring veggie trays to parties so I have a low calorie alternative to all the high calorie, high sugar options that are usually brought by others. I use fruit a lot for snack alternatives too, and granola bars like fiber one, etc. There are some healthy snack type foods (ie "munchies") out there -- 100 calorie packs and such -- you could just go to the snack aisle at the store and see what strikes your fancy. Air-popped popcorn with a little salt or other seasonings is also a good alternative.