Ticker won't update! :o(

I've lost 1.6 pounds and it says I've lost zero! I know that it knows I've lost the weight if I look at my progress report...but, why isn't it updating? I played around with this thing when I first got pregnant, but never did it...because I was pregnant.... Since the starting weight from 9 months ago is lower than now, does that mean it won't show progress until I get back to that weight? How to I change it, because that isn't my starting weight, it's just the weight I was before I had a baby. I was so excited to come mark my progress today, but bummed to see that it doesn't update my ticker, and I'm the only one that knows!

** Never mind, I figured out how to change my starting weight! :smile:


  • KaylatheChristian
  • asltiffm
    asltiffm Posts: 521 Member
    How do you change your starting weight? Mine was a starting weight from another try when I started weighing less than this time. I would like to change mine too.
  • jendiamond
    Go to "tools" then "tickers" then "update your weight data"