Have any of you "lost your way" only to come back stronger?

Last year I was at the peak of my weight loss efforts. I was feeling amazing, had lost close to 50lbs and was able to do things I never thought I could before. Fast forward to the present and I am now 15lbs heavier, feeling more sluggish and out of shape than ever. I need to start over. I crave that satisfaction of seeing the scale number go down and I long to accomplish things I thought were impossible. I slacked off majorly at the first of the year and eventually stopped caring all together - hence the weight gain. I told myself that once I finished my masters degree that I would get back on it. It's been three months since I completed it and I only went to the gym once. I can't live this way anymore.

I admit, however, that it does scare me a bit to get going again. I want to be successful but am nervous that I will fail. Thus, I am extremely curious if any of you have fallen off the wagon at any point during your weight loss journey (even gaining some weight back) only to come back so much stronger? If so, what did you use for motivation? How did you recommit?

Success stories have always helped me and back when I was losing weight regularly, my fitness pal was such a great source of motivation. I really want to re-submerge into this culture with people who understand the journey I'm going through.


  • Jg04811
    Jg04811 Posts: 102 Member
    YES! I did this last year. What got me motivated was signing up to do a biggest loser challenge at my work. I was able to lose 50 pounds from January until begining of August. You can do it, you just have to try something different. Sign up for a new class (they usually have weight loss contest), that always gets me excited about the next phase. By the way I placed 1st. Friend me for support =)