Your "fat clothes"

So when I gained all this extra weight, I had to buy new jeans, shorts and shirts because nothing fit! well now that I'm starting to lose weight, my fat shirts are getting pretty baggy. I find I rather start wearing the shirts that are too tight (so you can still see my gut) instead of wearing the shirts that actually fit better. Before I would NEVER do this but now I'm thinking it's extra motivation and I could care less if people think I'm fat cause I am doing this for me. Anyone else find themselves doing it? I'm half tempted to hide all those baggy clothes haha.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I wear shirts that are more fitted now but I wouldn't say that they are too tight. It has been a transition to get to this point. Sometimes I need my husband to assure me that they look properly fitted rather than too tight but I'm getting there. They do look much nicer than the baggy clothes. Once in a while I will wear one of my old "feeling thin day" shirts to do something around the house and I always notice how big they are on me now.
  • sstolii123
    sstolii123 Posts: 205 Member
    I have given away most of my fat clothes to friends and family. Now I enjoy buying new stuff that fits!
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I feel ya! We have a clothing swap every couple of months so clients can get 'new' clothes and get rid of their 'fat' clothes. It helps everyone and it's a great social event. =)
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    No, I'd be uncomfortable and constantly tugging at things to stretch them out. Buying things that are too small is one thing; wearing them is another.
  • MissHolidayGolightly
    IDK.. wearing clothes that are too small could mask your progress and make you feel bad about yourself.
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    Personally, I'm gonna wear my bigger/baggier clothes all winter and then in spring, I'm gonna unfurl them and step out like a beautiful butterfly! Partially to stay warm, partially to surprise people - and mostly because I don't see the point of buying stuff I'm gonna stretch now, or shrink out of later!

    But you do you - if you wanna rock a tight shirt, go for it! If you rock it now, you'll build confidence and definitely be able to rock it when you have a six pack (or whatever your tummy-related goals are)!
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    Personally, I'm gonna wear my bigger/baggier clothes all winter and then in spring, I'm gonna unfurl them and step out like a beautiful butterfly! Partially to stay warm, partially to surprise people - and mostly because I don't see the point of buying stuff I'm gonna stretch now, or shrink out of later!

    But you do you - if you wanna rock a tight shirt, go for it! If you rock it now, you'll build confidence and definitely be able to rock it when you have a six pack (or whatever your tummy-related goals are)!

    you are so pleasant and wonderful!! haha I moved away from everyone I know, so when I go back I plan on being a beautiful butterfly!!
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    I feel ya! We have a clothing swap every couple of months so clients can get 'new' clothes and get rid of their 'fat' clothes. It helps everyone and it's a great social event. =)

    that's a really good idea!!
  • KaJaa58
    KaJaa58 Posts: 17
    Being determined not to fail, I have gotten rid of most my clothes (except one pair of shorts and a couple of favorite shirts) as I have shrank and they got baggie. It's expensive buying new clothes every few months, so I have only bought a few at a time. But it does feels great going a trying on clothes that get progressively smaller.

    As the weather is getting colder, I wish I had saved some of my old clothes so I can layer. I am so cold these days. Oh well better cold and leaner than there I was. :)
  • alligatorrawr
    alligatorrawr Posts: 144 Member
    Being determined not to fail, I have gotten rid of most my clothes (except one pair of shorts and a couple of favorite shirts) as I have shrank and they got baggie. It's expensive buying new clothes every few months, so I have only bought a few at a time. But it does feels great going a trying on clothes that get progressively smaller.

    As the weather is getting colder, I wish I had saved some of my old clothes so I can layer. I am so cold these days. Oh well better cold and leaner than there I was. :)

    I had a lot of friends who wore dresses the whole time so they didn't have to keep buying new clothes, but that was florida and it was easier :) I think I am going to put them in storage because in a couple years I plan on making some mini me's and I think the baggy tanks will work :) I can't WAIT to donate all these size 16 pants and shorts tho!!