Stronglifts 5x5 Question

So, I am a bit confused about this program. Is there any way you can just use hand weights (10+) for this and still get results? I really can't afford a gym right now.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You could, but would not be quite the same, as form may become an issue once you get to heavier squats and deadlifts. You may want to look at if you don't have access to barbell and weights to get an idea of DB heavy lifting programs.
  • mackeyj
    mackeyj Posts: 11 Member
    No. If you're using dumbbells you're not doing the program.

    Sure, you can bench, squat(goblet) and deadlift with them, but moving up 5lbs per workout isn't realistic and large dumbbells get unwieldy very quickly.

    If you can't afford a gym look for a bodyweight strength routine, no need to shove a square peg into a round hole.
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    You could, but would not be quite the same, as form may become an issue once you get to heavier squats and deadlifts. You may want to look at if you don't have access to barbell and weights to get an idea of DB heavy lifting programs.

    Agree with the bolded. And with the program, you should be adding weight after each successful lifting day (meaning you hit your 5x5 goal), so you may be jumping up in weight lifted quite quickly and run out of hand weights before too long (depending on how many hand weights you have).
  • stevesilk
    stevesilk Posts: 204 Member
    I agree that you should look for a bodyweight program. Not doable with dumbbells for all of the reasons stated and more. There are some great bodyweight programs involving pushups, hindu squats, pullups, dips and several other exercises that will add functional strength and go along with any eating program you are on. Good luck.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    You could start off with the dumbbell version of these lifts, that's what I did. However, you're not going to be able to increase the weight according to the program. It's much more difficult to increase weights with dumbbells. Also, you'll most likely max out your squats and deadlifts pretty quickly (50 lb max dumbbells = 100 lb total).

    For the meantime, all I have access to is dumbbells. I started off the the SL dumbbell version lifts 5x5 but now I decreased to 3x5 and added some accessory lifts. Maybe you'll find that works for you too until you can get some access to barbell equipment.
  • just fyi ... you can get a 300lb set of olympic weights with a bar for about $210 from several places (****'s Sporting Goods, The Academy Sports and Outdoors, etc) ... i know for me $200 is a good chunk of change, but it is significantly cheaper than most sets, and 300 pounds should last you for a REALLY long time!! it would be a great investment, and lifting is AWESOME!! Good luck!!
  • patrickblo13
    patrickblo13 Posts: 831 Member
    You definitely won't get the benefits you would with BB and plates