Fellow Mommies...

Hi Everyone,

I am restarting my journey and would love to connect with other mom's out there. I have a 4 year old little boy and work full time outside of the house so I find it a struggle to get everything done in a day. But I am trying to focus and let this be my last restart!

Feel free to add me as a friend.


  • Syndaz
    Syndaz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I just signed up like 5 minutes ago and was looking for a mommy forum. I am a single mom to a one year old and I work full time...shift work! Ahhh
    I find it very hard to make time for myself and not feel guilty about it. I'm always thinking I should be spending more time with my baby. But I'm starting to do it now and I think it's worth it. She will thank me in the end...and I know she is happy.
    I gained 30 lbs during my pregnancy and still have it, so I'm making more effort now to shed those lbs.
    My life is challenging and fun all at the same time...just trying to make the best of it and enjoy every moment!

    I'm still breastfeeding when I can so I did put that I am living an "active" lifestyle rather than "slightly active" to make up for the breastfeeding. Does anyone agree that that was the right thing to do? Or could I just get away with it being "slightly active"??? My days are pretty active anyway.

    Any advice there?
  • bayoubeauty2be
    hi I recently joined also. I am a stay at home mom of a 5 year old boy and a 6 month old girl. good luck on your journey. I will add you.
  • Kettle_Belle14
    Kettle_Belle14 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm going to add you ladies! I'm a new mom of a 3 month old little boy. I just returned to work (sad face) and am having a hard time balancing work, baby, and exercise.
  • Zephalia
    Zephalia Posts: 79 Member
    29 year old single Mother of two (8 and 6) who works full time here. :)

    I find that having the children around makes it easier for me to eat healthy because I prepare meals more regularly with their health in mind - but that finding the time to exercise is harder. Not that I'm big into exercise really - I mostly walk the Skywalk downtown on my lunch hour for 30-40 minutes at a brisk pace a few times a week. That's about the extend of my exercising. But eating better has been helping me slowly drop the weight I would like and I intend to continue with it.

    I remember when my kids were that young and it was hard to find time to do a lot of things but if you make the choice then you can make the time! Good luck to you!
  • JessRaddatz
    JessRaddatz Posts: 204 Member
    Hi! I have a four year old boy and a six year old girl. My son challenges me every. Single. Day. But man I wouldn't trade him for the world. He's crazy, but he has my heart :heart: My daughter is an amazing helper and a "little mommy". I'm sure I'll pay for her easy going younger years when she's a teenager. :laugh: I work about 30 hours a week outside of the house (I'm lucky that I work for my husband, so my hours and time at work are very flexible). Between taking care of the house, working, volunteering at my daughter's school through the PTA, spending time with my husband and kids, as well as making time for myself (which is normally my time to work out while Nick Jr. is on the TV to occupy the kiddos) my life is crazy busy. Feel free to add me! I'd love to have some mommy friends.
  • G2mama
    G2mama Posts: 1
    I need to be more like the moms out there exercising! I work full-time, 40 hours a week in management, have a 5 year old son and a 3 year old daughter. I find it difficult with the everyday runs of life to prepare foods...I really need to get better at that! And I get some exercise in with my two little ones going to football practices/games and riding bikes around the neighborhood, but I still feel like its not enough! UGH. How do I get motivated to prepare foods better the night before? And to somehow fit in more exercise in my already very busy life? Any advice is welcomed and appreciated!!! Best of luck to you, and please pray for me also as I am on this journey to lose 60 pounds!
  • sneezeknees
    Hi girls, I signed up just now and just had to post on this thread. I too am a busy mam, two little boys and haven't been a healthy weight for years, particularly since first pregnancy nearly six years ago. Time for myself has not been priority, looking after myself comes behind everything else. I now I have an hour to exercise a few times a week I am going to use it for ME!
  • chasing2bugs
    Hey ladies! I just joined yesterday and I am a SAHM to an 11 year old girl and almost 4 year old boy. Its so hard to juggle everything...I get it. I would love to have some fellow mommy friends who understand how hard we try to get everything done.
  • monicapevans
    monicapevans Posts: 16 Member
    I am a mom of 4, work full time, get all the kids where they need to go, practice, church, etc., cook, clean, well you all know, the list goes on and on.. How do any of you fit "you" time in.? I am really too tired at the end of the day to shave my legs much less exercise. I really want to find that balance. Any suggestions??
  • Faithhopenlove
    Faithhopenlove Posts: 85 Member
    Hey feel free to add me, I am a new mom of 9 month old twin boys...we could def. support each other
  • Fit2B2016
    Such a great support of Mommies on this site :)
  • jannthompson
    jannthompson Posts: 23 Member
    Hi! I have a 3.5 girl and work 45 hours a week. Time is my biggest struggle. I run 12 miles a week (with my 3 yo in the jogging stroller) and try to fit in workouts at home on my off days. It's so hard to stay on track when you want to just crash at the end of the day. Would love to connect with other Moms on here. Feel free to add me.
  • dexlyn813
    dexlyn813 Posts: 84 Member
    I'm a mom to three years old twin girls. Add me if you would like.
  • focusedonfitness2015
    Happy October ladies!!!

    I'm a mommy of 3 (ages 17, 15 and 7) and I work a full-time job also. My life is a daily whirlwind and sometimes its hard to stay on track and take a little time for myself. Always looking for support from others in my shoes.

    Anyone can feel free to add me! Enjoy your day!
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    Hi there, I am a mom to a 14 y/o and a 9 y/o. I run an in-home daycare, so I am sort of a SAHM and sort of a working mom. There is definitely no time in my day for working out with the little ones running around for over 10 hours a day, but I do like to sneak on here when they are occupied, and at naptime =)

    Anyone here can add me, I'd love to have more mommy friends!
  • girlygeek85
    The mommy guilt is one of the hardest barriers. I have an almost 7yr old girl, and it took me a long time to understand the balance. I was a singly mom up until a couple years ago. So to start, I did my workouts at home. Thank goodness for youtube. There are so many great videos out there for free. I highly recommend the fitnessblender channel. Or just search "10 min cardio" or whatever you are looking for.

    It really is more mental than anything. Remember that you are losing weight not just for outward appearance, but to be at your healthiest. That makes us better women, better in relationships, just better all around. When you feel good on the inside, it reflects in all aspects of your life.

    It can seem overwhelming trying to fit "health" into your day, but you can do it! Just start small. Set small goals. I like to do weekly/monthly goals. Once you master one, than you can add another.

    And tracking intake really helps keep you aware of what you are eating. After doing that for a bit, you will start to notice trends. Than just find ways to replace some of the higher calorie foods with better choices.

    You can do it. Just start small and good luck
  • QuillensMom
    QuillensMom Posts: 100 Member
    My oldest just turned 4, I have an almost 17 month old, and due next month with #3. I'm a SAHM.

    I also felt/feel guilty doing things for myself even though its for my health and well being.

    Hello to all you other mommies :)
  • Ammu84
    Ammu84 Posts: 8 Member
    Yay! I just joined.. :) I have a 9 month old.. and I seriously need to lose the 30 pounds I gained after I became a mommy and the 20 existing I had before I was pregnant.. 50 in all.. and I need help motivation and lots of friends who are fun.. Add me.. Add me..
  • pinklark
    pinklark Posts: 49 Member
    Mom of 2 here . . . I'll be adding you ladies :smile:
  • skinnywithannie
    Hi!! I am a mommie of 3 beautiful daughters. I am also looking for fellow moms to be on this journey with!!

    My oldest daughter is 12, then 10 and my baby turns 1 on Saturday! I have about 40lbs to lose and look forward to getting back to my pre-baby weight!!

    I would love for you moms to add me on here!

    I am joining up with the gym next week to get on my Zumba again!!

    I also started my 90 day challenge last week, so looking forward to this journey.

    I am also on Facebook and would love to connect there also!!

    Thanks mommies and nice to see you all here! :flowerforyou: