Support buddies


Im Eva and I am looking for support buddies. I gave birth 8 months ago and over the past few months i gained 20 lbs. i am thinking of doing a lower carb diet with exercise but I would love to connect with others for support. I am using the app but I dont have any contacts. Pls let me know if anyone else is interested.

Thanks :)



  • mdamrow
    mdamrow Posts: 92 Member
    I just had my 2nd child and he is now 6 months. I lost 20 of my 50 pounds I put on during pregnancy, so I'm getting back at this weight loss battle as well. I'm sending a friend request.
  • jjejjtu
    jjejjtu Posts: 1,324 Member
    I just joined last week and at that time started a low-carb diet, and started trying to get enough activity into the day. I don't have any real time to work out during the week because I run a daycare for 10.5 hours a day, but I've been walking around my house and with just that and the low-carb diet I've lost 2.6 pounds in the past week. So I'd say explore low-carb, it's the only thing that has worked for me in 7 years of trying to lose weight. You're welcome to add me, I'll send a request.
  • HAS415
    HAS415 Posts: 48 Member
    I've lost 138 lbs since April 2013. The most important pieces of advice I can give are to never give up and just keep moving. Don't just count the time you spent at the gym or outside running or walking. It all adds up. Stay off the couch and just move. Clean, shop, cook (healthy), do charity work, anything to keep moving. At the end of the day we are supposed to walk 10,000 steps. I was told by my trainer not to give specific advice because unfortunately I didn't lose it the right way. But I am sure he'd agree with what I said about just keep moving. Basic diet advice is cut out the junk, lean meats (chicken) and fish and make best friends with your produce department. I eat only brown carbs though I'm am currently trying to gain 5 more lbs so I have a little leeway. It's a tough battle but the main thing is to never give up. It's worth the fight.