Just re-introduced myfitnesspal!

Hi, I joined on here awhile back, but never got really serious about tracking things. I've been working with a personal trainer since July 22, and she's made a huge difference in my attitude and I actually look forward to working out. I started out at 206 pounds - pretty much the most I've ever weighed (I'm 6'2" and 45 years old), and had a goal of getting to 195 by October 9. Well, I'm at 197, with a week to go, so I need to lose 2 pounds in a week! I can do it. I've gotten stronger, my belt is on the last loop, pants are more loose and I actually feel a lot better. My trainer has me drinking 100 ounces of water a day, and I've really been watching what I eat (which is the hardest thing for me). I'm loving the feeling of getting in shape and know that I'll hit my first set of goals and will set a new set of goals next week. Former football and baseball player, but that was a loooong time ago, and trying to get back in that shape!!