How much?

This question may have been asked before, but how much weight do you need to lose for others to notice? I know I am changing, because I have had to go down "TWO" notches on my belt, but I do not think anyone else has noticed. I don't really need others to notice, but I think it would be cool if someday someone said, "Hey, are you losing weight?"


  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    depends on the person. for me it was about 30 lbs.

    keep in mind they may be noticing but just not saying anything. many people avoid commenting on weight since a gain or loss can be for any number of reasons including sickness or other negative issues
  • awolf2011
    awolf2011 Posts: 265 Member
    I agree that some people don't like to comment on weight even though they notice that you are losing. I lost a good 20 lbs before anyone outside of my family really said something. I didn't mind though because I knew I felt better and my clothes were getting lose and I had to buy smaller ones. Embrace the changes that you are experiencing and I guarantee that others are noticing, they just don't like to make assumptions.....
  • trudywc2
    trudywc2 Posts: 233 Member
    I lost about 25 before anyone starting noticing or saying anything. Now someone says something at least once a week, especially because my pants are getting too
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    I would rather be punched in the face than have anyone discuss my weight - so even if I notice your loss I'm not bringing it up.
  • mcarhodes
    mcarhodes Posts: 23 Member
    Was around 20-30 for me. Then I got a lot of "You look are losing weight on purpose, right?"
  • slickmickey
    slickmickey Posts: 113 Member
    omg i was just thinking this same thing today! i've lost 13lbs since July 28th. and no one has noticed. my husband on the other hand has lost almost 25 and everyone can tell, and he started at 300 (i was 183)! not fair. he gets all the calories AND the compliments, AND new smaller pants and i get squat.
  • rgrady33
    rgrady33 Posts: 48 Member
    Same here: 20-30. In my experience it also depends on how often it's been since you've been around a person. The more often you are around someone the less impactful that drop will look because they see it as it happens.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Depends on how much you weigh and how you carry your weight. I had only lost about 10 lbs when everyone started telling me that I looked skinnier (maybe they were just being excessively nice?) I eventually lost about 47 total and was told I was 'anorexic' (BMI was in the middle of the healthy range).

    I don't actually like it when people comment on my weight (either good or bad), but I'm probably my own worst critic anyways. I've gained about 10 pounds back from that low over a year's time and I actually feel fatter than I did after I lost that first 10 lbs.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Only my wife was aware of my WOE and her and i noticed subtle differences around 30lbs (losing a belt notch etc, easier to move). Comments from others was around 90lbs.