Mall Walking, maybe???

So, here's the deal... I am a divorced mom of a 5 year old little lovely. My ex husband and I alternate weeks with her. Since she has Autism, she goes to school in another county (MUCH better schools so we applied for acceptance and it was granted, thank goodness). Here's the rub... her school is an hour away from my house. So, when she is with her father, I am certainly able to hop on my bike, hit the gym, strength training, etc. When she is with me, it is just unrealistic to drive four hours per day in order to get back to my gym. In the meantime, I find myself sitting in Panera (which I am doing right now) just passing time. I would LOVE some ideas about what I could do without looking like a looney tune (being that I am constantly in public here) while getting some kind of workout into my day. I considered mall walking, but I am worried that at the speed I like to walk, I might cause bodily harm to some unaware bystander. Help my brain out... gimmie some ideas!! :bigsmile:


  • michelletr
    michelletr Posts: 236 Member
    what about work out dvds, the wii fit, or even xbox has a work out game now.
  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    Could you pop your bike in the car with you? or join a gym half way between your house and school? find some fitness classes near to school? Tricky but i'm sure you will find some thing :-)
  • madijo41
    madijo41 Posts: 367 Member
    They have mall walkers in our Mall, but they are early in the morning. They have special shirts so you know they are not running away from the scene of a crime. :) The trainer from 'X Weighted get alot of his people to work out in playgrounds, any where really. You tube it.
  • Christie23
    Christie23 Posts: 357 Member
    what about work out dvds, the wii fit, or even xbox has a work out game now.

    I can use those at night... but usually by then, my boyfriend has claimed the tv for some silly man tv... lol...

    And also, I have been trying to hit the gym at night but it's just somewhat unrealistic... by the time homework is done, dinner is made, baths are given, stories are read, and lunches are packed, it's usually almost 10... and I am POOOOOPED!!
  • Hannastyrbjorn

    I tried to google up Panera but since i have no clue where in the US your Panera is i could'nt get an image on how the surroundings look. But bring a pair of shoes and take a brisk walk/jog maybe there's a park. If not you can explore every street in that city. Make up a game for yourself and time your progress. And seriously (since you don't seem to know anyone in that town - is it really that bad to look like a lunatic?) :laugh:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Mall walking is good. The one by me actually has signs posted at the door that it welcomes those looking for a safe, warm venue to get a few laps in. They even put how many laps equal a mile! Don't be afraid to try.
  • SkierElle
    SkierElle Posts: 335
    If it's not too cold maybe find a nice path or neighborhood to walk or run in? Or get some rollerblades or a bike!! Just be creative and have fun =)
  • elf618
    elf618 Posts: 317 Member
    How about a park near the school? I know people who work in a hospital that use their breaks to go up and down the entire stairway a few times...or up and down the parking garage if you can find one where there's not a lot of activity during the day once everyone gets to work.
  • shanolap
    shanolap Posts: 1,204 Member
    There are some great ideas here! #1: STAIRS! Oh how many different ways you can do them: 1 at a time, 2 at a time, running, lunges, sideways, incline pushups, calf raises, squats...and the list goes on. SELF magazine had a stair workout this summer, maybe you could find it online at There are many people that use the stairs at our colleges here.

    And I agree...who cares if you look like a lunatic? Everyone will be envious of the lunatic getting in shape! :laugh: :laugh: