My Diet and Exercise routine. Will it work?? Comments, sugge



  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    When you have more than 100lbs to lose, you will likely lose more than 2lbs a week to start.
    Thanks!! I really don't know how much I should weight. I am a very "stocky" "barrel chested" guy. My legs and arms are already in decent shape, I just carry all of my weight in my stomach and chest. According to "the survey's" I get this:

    Your BMI is 39.67 which is categorized as "Obese".

    A healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25. For your height, a corresponding healthy weight would be between 144.09 and 194.71.

    I think @ 144 I would be nothing but skin and bones!
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Thanks!! I really don't know how much I should weight. I am a very "stocky" "barrel chested" guy. My legs and arms are already in decent shape, I just carry all of my weight in my stomach and chest. According to "the survey's" I get this:

    Your BMI is 39.67 which is categorized as "Obese".

    A healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25. For your height, a corresponding healthy weight would be between 144.09 and 194.71.

    I think @ 144 I would be nothing but skin and bones!

    Pffft. If I weighed what I should do to fall well within the BMI scale I could audition for the lead in "Tenko" as I would be a skinny, little runt.

    Personally, I use a combination of bf% and scale weight to track my progress and see how much fat / lean mass I have at any given time. I should do measurements as well but I can be a little lazy on that score.

    I have had a pair of Accumeasure bf calipers for years now and they are like an old, trusted friend. They keep me from letting my diet run wild and my physique in check. I'm not a huge fan of bio impedence scales as I find the readings a bit hit and miss, especially due to hydration levels.

    Don't worry about your ideal weight for the time being. Once you hit 20% bf and below then you will proabably think about reassesing your goals.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thanks!! I really don't know how much I should weight. I am a very "stocky" "barrel chested" guy. My legs and arms are already in decent shape, I just carry all of my weight in my stomach and chest. According to "the survey's" I get this:

    Your BMI is 39.67 which is categorized as "Obese".

    A healthy BMI falls between 18.5 and 25. For your height, a corresponding healthy weight would be between 144.09 and 194.71.

    I think @ 144 I would be nothing but skin and bones!

    Pffft. If I weighed what I should do to fall well within the BMI scale I could audition for the lead in "Tenko" as I would be a skinny, little runt.

    Personally, I use a combination of bf% and scale weight to track my progress and see how much fat / lean mass I have at any given time. I should do measurements as well but I can be a little lazy on that score.

    I have had a pair of Accumeasure bf calipers for years now and they are like an old, trusted friend. They keep me from letting my diet run wild and my physique in check. I'm not a huge fan of bio impedence scales as I find the readings a bit hit and miss, especially due to hydration levels.

    Don't worry about your ideal weight for the time being. Once you hit 20% bf and below then you will proabably think about reassesing your goals.

    Thanks man! I do have a bio impedence scale...guess i should figure out how it works. that would probably give me a better estimate than some web survey... LOL.
  • runningneo122
    runningneo122 Posts: 6,962 Member
    Yes, 50lbs per year over two years, equating to a 100lbs weight loss can certainly be achieved.

    Your opening post tells me a great deal about why you haven't suceeded to date. In essence, you've never learned how to eat properly or healthily. This is my personal opinion, diet is at least 75% of this game, with exercise making up the rest. Think of it this way. A pizza comes in at well over 1000 calories and would take about 20 mins (well for me at least) to eat. It would take about 1.5 hours to burn off doing some kind of aerobic activity. What's more effient or realistic? Doing all that exercise every day or not eating the pizza in the first place.

    You are lifting weights which is great. A good routine should always include some kind of resistance training to preserve muscle and promote fat loss. Building muscle or preserving it is like an insurance policy to prevent weight gain in the future. Muscle takes far more calories to maintain than fat (something like 75 calories per pound as opposed to 2 per pound for fat.) If you lose muscle on a fat loss programme you reduce the amount of calories you can eat overall when you go back to normal eating.

    This is why crash diets are an utter disaster. In the "induction phase" you lose a huge amount of weight. What you don't generally lose is a huge amount of FAT. You lose water, glycogen, and muscle. Then when you come off the diet, your body simply restores water and glycogen levels back to normal. Then because you have also lost muscle you have reduced your metabolic rate and the amount of calories your body needs to survive. As a result the pounds pile on as most people revert back to the same amount of calories if not more by bingeing. You create a vcious cycle that some people never escape from.

    I would recommend reading Tom Venuto's "Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle" if you want an in depth overview of this whole area.
    Ditto from me. That book cleared up some questions I had about when to eat and when to exercise(before or after) It depends on the exercise. Cardio is best done first thing in the morning(called fasted cardio) because it burns fat due to the fuel tank(stomach) being empty. Weight training/resistance training is better done in between meals 3-4 or 4-5 and you should sip on Gatorade or even Kool-Aid during the workout. Protein drink right after any exercise for the muscle repair.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Thanks guys!! I Will definitely check that book out!
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    11 pounds down! mostly water weight im sure.
  • Possibly. I lost 7 my first week just because it was jarring to my system. But its a good sign you're on the right track. Don't be surprised if you lose more than 2 lbs a week at first for a while. I maintained a 4 lb a week loss for quite a while following MFP instructions. The more you have to lose the faster it will go at first.

    Good work and stay on track! :happy:
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    Possibly. I lost 7 my first week just because it was jarring to my system. But its a good sign you're on the right track. Don't be surprised if you lose more than 2 lbs a week at first for a while. I maintained a 4 lb a week loss for quite a while following MFP instructions. The more you have to lose the faster it will go at first.

    Good work and stay on track! :happy:

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