My FitnessPal Has Discouraged Me!

Hello everyone,

I just completed my diary for today and consumed a total of 1373 calories (my goal is 1200). I burned 320 calories with exercise today and therefore netted a total of 1053 calories. However, when I hit the "complete this entry for the day: button, it tells me that "if every day were like today..." and says I would weigh .5lbs MORE in 5 weeks if everyday were like today....first of all, I netted a total of 1053 calories! Am I suppose to starve myself to lose any weight?! How is it possible that I'm consuming less calories than I normally do (even before exercise), and yet MyFitnessPal is telling me I would only put on more weight at this rate....this is very discouraging and disappointing.

Anyone have any ideas what I may be doing wrong?

Thank You!


  • Mhgretsch
    Mhgretsch Posts: 259 Member
    you should open your diary to others if you want input...hard to see what's going on without that access
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    I don't even pay attention to that. If you're losing, there is no reason to change anything.
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    I never pay attention to that.

    What matters to me is how I did today. It sounds like today you were within your goals and you should feel proud of your work.

    Everything else will fall into place!
  • Freeborn111
    Freeborn111 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks everyone! Maybe I should pay less attention to that but seeing the number be slightly above your current weight after doing all that hard work, still made me feel discouraged. I just (re)started using MyFitness Pal so I haven't lost anything yet this year, I don't recall this happening when I used this it in the past, so I was wondering if I was doing something incorrect this time. Anyway, I will just keep at it and hopefully begin to lose soon.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Are you sure that you have set up the initial parameters correctly - your gender, age, height, current weight, goal weight, and activity level? Because unless you are an elderly, short, slender, sedentary woman, you definitely need more than 1050 calories/day to maintain your weight, let alone gain. You might want to double-check those settings.
  • Freeborn111
    Freeborn111 Posts: 11 Member
    Are you sure that you have set up the initial parameters correctly - your gender, age, height, current weight, goal weight, and activity level? Because unless you are an elderly, short, slender, sedentary woman, you definitely need more than 1050 calories/day to maintain your weight, let alone gain. You might want to double-check those settings.

    I just checked over the parameters and my age was entered incorrectly! It turns out MyFitnessPal was calculating my readings based upon believing that I'm an elderly centenarian...ooops! lol. I changed my age and now it is giving me a more reasonable result.Thank you! That was a silly mistake on my part, but I do still very much appreciate the advice suggested by everyone :)