50 lbs. to lose in 7 months

Hey y'all! To let you know a little about my up and down weight loss journey, I am currently 5'2" at 186ish lbs. Throughout my entire life, I have struggled with my weight. Every time I started to do something about it, I would 'get too busy". I have also experienced several major health issues that have not been kind to me as far as weight goes. I have been on and off of MFP for a long time and would lose up to 15 lbs and then just completely quit. Currently, I am 18 years old and a high school senior. It is my goal over the next 7 months to lose approximately 50 lbs. Between juggling school, football practice (manager, not player haha), a part time job, horses (4 to be precise), and spending time with my boyfriend, it is a struggle to find any free time but I am working hard to MAKE the time to exercise. I want to be able to go off to college in the best shape of my life. I know that I'm going to have to push myself but it will definitely be worth it in the end. Thankfully, I do have support from my family (my mom has lost about 50 lbs herself!) and my boyfriend who is currently getting in shape for the Air Force but more help and motivation is wonderful. If any of y'all would like to be my MFP friend, that would be great! I can constantly use the advice and motivation and it helps considerably to fuel my desire to push forward and keep going even when I want to quit. I would love to help keep you motivated as well! Thanks for reading and good luck in your weight loss as well!


  • AshleySDJ
    AshleySDJ Posts: 63 Member
    good luck! just keep your mind to it and you will succeed! Dont get discouraged! Feel free to add me :)
  • bshipman89
    Hi! I know what you mean about the "getting too busy" issue. I'm 25 and in the same boat, actually have been for a while.Congrats on putting your foot down and being determined to get healthier! I honestly think that is the hardest part of any of this. Keep that mindset and if possible, try to workout while your boyfriend does! Seriously, when my husband was working out to be in shape for the military, it made a huge difference! Now that he's not in it, he still has that determination and it helps keep us both going (but extra motivation from friends is always awesome!). To your boyfriend- thank you for your future service!
  • SouthGaPeach
    SouthGaPeach Posts: 43 Member
    my desire to exercise is actually more about being in shape than it is losing weight. I have had some weight loss success in years past with little to no exercise whatsoever but along with losing weight, I would really like to be in great shape as well! Thanks for your advice about the websites!