What is your biggest struggle?



  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    mine is the lack of desire to work out. i can change my eating habits all i want, i wont c the results i want till i get up n break a sweat.

    We are opposites. Maybe we should combine forces (lol). I have been working out pretty consistently last year and really haven't lost because my eating is terrible.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Yup I get those when they are available. But for the most part they only seem to come in French Vanillia and there are so mannyyyyy other delicious flavors lol. a quarter of my calories belong to coffee in the day I swear...never ending struggle.

    I know! And I try so very hard to ignore all of the other ones.
  • FitWithMae
    FitWithMae Posts: 68 Member
    Me too I usually allow myself to get one bottle a month. :)
  • buggials
    my struggle seems to be sticking with it even after so long of the scale not moving...I have to remind myself to go by measurements not weight.
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Chocolate and beer and moderation are also struggles of mine, I guess that is why I am the weight I am :(

    "ditto" gave up liquor, then gave up beer, then (today is day 4) gave up wine (all alcohol)
    also being bored
    and if I start on a salty snack, I have a hard time stopping (yea, I guess that's moderation, huh? )
  • sapphirelazuli
    Overcoming my laziness. I actually love working out, its GETTING to the gym that's the problem. I'm a nightmare for talking myself out of going. :(
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    My biggest struggle is getting back on the wagon once I fell off... getting back into routine and exercise.
  • 311Phil
    311Phil Posts: 397
    I'd have to say my weaknesses are late night snacking and alcohol....and a lack of motivation to exercise. I found that working out on the wii keeps me generally motivated, and I havn't had a drink since new years (WOO 4 days!) and I have re-vamped my eating habits..but i still crave those late night snacks!
  • aunienue
    aunienue Posts: 416
    Red wine...without a doubt. Enough said.
  • overit
    overit Posts: 273
    Now I haven't given up drinking but will journal the calories.
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    My biggest struggle is also late night eating. Try eating every 3 hours, even just a small snack but make sure you are eating often so your blood sugar level is up. That really helps me. I find that if I eat a late lunch I can't stop eating after dinner, but when I have eaten often all day it is not so hard.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    ...getting enough sleep! I'd hate having to resort to pills :p
  • MaryChaCha
    MaryChaCha Posts: 20 Member
    My biggest struggle? Where do I start! As a wife, mom to five children (ages 4-15), a middle school teacher, and avid volunteer, I think I struggle with putting myself first. That covers it all. If I were to put myself first, then I would make time to journal my food, exercise, relax, make healthy meals....

    Yikes! I vow to make time for me. (Any clones of me out there?)

  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    My biggest struggle? Where do I start! As a wife, mom to five children (ages 4-15), a middle school teacher, and avid volunteer, I think I struggle with putting myself first. That covers it all. If I were to put myself first, then I would make time to journal my food, exercise, relax, make healthy meals....

    Yikes! I vow to make time for me. (Any clones of me out there?)


    I am in the same boat. I am a single mom of 2 that have dancing and kung fu. I work full time and I have my own company. I need 2-3 more hours a day. I have trouble just finding the time.
  • skinnypeach
    My biggest struggle is cooking for my family. I decided that I'd go veg in 2011 but I still cook meat for my family most every night for dinner. Today was tough because I made ham. I LOVE ham. I decided tonight that I'm not cooking for them anymore. My family isn't MY children/husband. It's my brother's kids and him & his wife. They can fend for themselves from now on. I'm putting me first!