Suffering from Body Dismorphic Disorder

Hey all I'm 25, 1 month post baby #3 and I can't stand to see my self. My measurements are 41 bust - 31 waist - 39 hips and I currently weigh 143 lbs @ 5'1". I feel massive. I'm ok with all of my body except my mommy pooch, it disgusts me. I am to the point I don't even like being naked around my husband anymore and I don't know what to do. When I count calories it becomes an obsession to the point I just won't eat. Please any guidance would help. Thanks.


  • Rinny73
    Rinny73 Posts: 21
    Hey, I've been there, and will undoubtedly go there again with body issues. First of all, if you really have BDD you should seek professional help. 'Guidance' on MFP is not enough to help someone with such a serious disorder. Second, have you spoken with your husband about it? What are his thoughts? When I have body issues that effect my relationship with others, especially my husband, I make sure to talk to him about it.