I'm new... and a little frustrated

dazzlepants Posts: 8
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
I'm pretty new to MFP. have been working out with a trainer once a week and hitting the gym pretty hard in between since the beginning of November. I wasn't seeing any changes so she suggested the site to help me track food.

I did my monthly weigh in with the trainer at the gym last night; their scale said I've lost 6 pounds from my start weight on Nov 1 (and actually 10 from my last gym weigh-in on Dec 2; I somehow spiked a few pounds). The problem is, my home scale isn't reflecting the same change. I know she said to stay off that scale but I'm just not sure if I can believe my weigh in or get excited about it if I can't see the same results on a different scale.

I've also weighed in on a third scale and it registers even higher than the one at home. My measurements are going down slightly (and slowly) but I did improve from 30% body fat to 28.9%. I haven't really noticed that much of a difference in my clothes but I definitely feel stronger.

But how do I know what's real in terms of my weight? The scale we used at the gym was a standard bathroom scale, not the fancy doctor's office type. How do you keep from getting frustrated when the numbers just won't budge?


  • pinkprincessness
    pinkprincessness Posts: 36 Member
    It can be frustrating. You definetly always want to use the same scale, as others will usually register differently. Make sure the scale at the gym is on zero before you get on it. I generally like to go off of my measurements better since, as we all know, muscle weighs more than fat! And that is awesome that your body fat % has gone done. Just keep plugging away and you will get there
  • DeeDeeLHF
    DeeDeeLHF Posts: 2,301 Member
    Sounds to me like the numbers are budging! Your fat % is so impressive!! Congratulations. Also, how wonderful that your measurements are changing! Sounds to me like you are doing a great job. By logging your calories you will become more aware of what you are eating... Be absolutely honest with logging in.

    It doesn't happen as quickly as we would like but you are off to a great start and should be anticipating great success!

    As for the scale: Pick one scale, weigh the same day of the week. If you are weighing at home do it early in the morning, naked, after you use the bathroom and before you eat anything.

    Above all, do not allow yourself to get discouraged. There is only one way to fail and that is to quit.

    Best of luck!

  • Use one scale and one scale only! You don't need a jury of scales to judge you, just one scale and a measuring tape. Remember too that you're adding muscle which is dense and therefore heavier than fat (that's the point of the measuring tape). By the way, I joined a gym one month ago and hope to have the kind of results you posted! Don't be skeptical, just keep going - its not a race, its a journey. Enjoy the trip

    Good Luck,
  • Thanks for the encouragement!

    It was so exciting to see the change last night but I got a little deflated when I weighed in at home. I've been working hard but I know I can do more and be more honest with myself...
  • Teebowen
    Teebowen Posts: 78 Member
    I can so relate to you.....I had lap band failure after a 136 lb weight loss and gained 1/2 of the weight lost back... but you are doing it the right way... you should be proud of your self every 10 lbs is just about 1 pant size... I joined the site yesterday and am just trying to do it once again.... Best of wishes you can do it!...I was going to say Best of luck but we all know luck has nothing to do with it...Lots of hard work and determination! :smile:
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